- Jeffrey Blanchard
- Janet Jansson
- Jorge Rodrigues
- Lee Stanish
- Margaret O’Brien (Archival Liaison)
- Jason McDermott (Technical Liaison)
General repo: https://github.com/lter/lterwg-emergent
Website repo: https://github.com/lter/lterwg-emergent-website
Shiny repo: https://github.com/lter/lterwg-emergent-shiny
code folder: for sharing scripts
- All code should include sufficient annotation and documentation so that other users can understand and run the scripts.
- Write your scripts such that other users can run the code without modifications (except for changing file paths). Scripts that can only be run by users with a specific operating system or software should be clearly denoted.
- Include an attribution header to your scripts. It's easy to create a standard code snippet that you can add to all of your scripts, see these useful instructions at this blog post: https://timfarewell.co.uk/my-r-script-header-template/
Here is an example header code snippet: ############################################################################################## #' @title Give your script a name that describes its purpose
#' @author #' Lee Stanish \email{[email protected] } \cr
#' @description Add description. Ex. Post-processing script to look more closely at data differences for soil moisture
#' @return Describe what it returns. Ex. NEON Soil Physical Properties downloaded as .csv file and pdf plots of soil edaphic data by site
#' changelog and author contributions / copyrights #' Lee Stanish (20XX-MM-DD) #' original creation ##############################################################################################