A library to administer hbase
lein do clean, install
(:require [hbase.admin.core :as hbase])
;; you can create a configuration from a map
(def conf (hbase/mk-hbase-config {:hbase.zookeeper.quorum "zk1:2181,zk2:2181,zk3:2181"
:zookeeper.znode.parent "/hbase"}))
;;you can also load hadoop/hbase confs (this is better if you want to use export/import features)
(def conf (hbase/mk-hbase-config "/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml,/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml,/etc/hbase/hbase-site.xml"))
;;initialize connection in registry
(hbase/init-hbase-connection "my-hbase" conf)
;;get connection for "my-hbase"
(hbase/get-connection "my-hbase")
(let [admin (hbase/get-admin (hbase/get-connection "my-hbase"))]
;;return list of table as HTableDescriptor
(hbase/list-tables admin)
;;return tables name as string list
(hbase/list-tables-name-as-string admin)
;;return cluster status
(hbase/get-cluster-status admin)
;;list snapshot , return an HBaseProtos$SnapshotDescription object list
(hbase/list-snapshots admin))
(let [admin (hbase/get-admin (hbase/get-connection "my-hbase"))]
;;return basic cluster status and global load
(hbase/get-cluster-status admin)
;;return detailed servers load including regions load
(hbase/get-servers-load admin)
;;return detailed regions load (extrated from get-servers-load)
(hbase/get-regions-load admin)
;;shortcut function with interesting grouping from get-server-load
;;return detailed regions load for a single server
(hbase/get-server-regions-load admin server)
;;return detailed regions load for a single table
(hbase/get-table-regions-load admin table-name)
;;return detailed tables load per regions server
(hbase/get-servers-tables-load admin)
;;return detailed tables load for a single server
(hbase/get-server-tables-load admin server)
;;return detailed tables load
(hbase/get-tables-load admin server))
(let [admin (hbase/get-admin (hbase/get-connection "my-hbase"))]
;;create an hbase table (column faily should be shorter , typically one char long)
(hbase/create-table admin "my-table" ["my-family-1" "my-family-2"])
;;compact a table
(hbase/compact-table admin "my-table")
;;major compact a table
(hbase/major-compact-table admin "my-table")
;;get compaction state of table
(hbase/table-compaction-state admin "my-table")
;;delete table
(hbase/delete-table admin "my-table"))
(let [admin (hbase/get-admin (hbase/get-connection "my-hbase"))]
;;create a snapshot of a table
(hbase/snapshot admin "my-table" "my-snapshot")
;;Create a new table base on a snasphot
(hbase/clone-snapshot admin "my-snapshot" "my-new-table")
;;Delete a snapshot
(hbase/delete-snapshot admin "my-snapshot")
;;Snapshot-all : create a snapshot for all table
;;with "my-table-my-snapshot" as per table snapshot name
(hbase/snapshot-all admin "my-snapshot"))
;;create row
(hbase/get-connection "my-hbase")
(.getBytes "my-row-key")
[{:family (.getBytes "my-family-1")
:qualifier (.getBytes "my-qualifier-1")
:value (.getBytes "my-value-1")}
{:family (.getBytes "my-family-1")
:qualifier (.getBytes "my-qualifier-1")
:value (.getBytes "my-value-1")}])
(hbase/get-connection "my-hbase")
(.getBytes "my-row-key"))
;;delete row
(hbase/get-connection "my-hbase")
(.getBytes "my-row-key"))
(let [admin (hbase/get-admin (hbase/get-connection "my-hbase"))
export-options {:s3-protocol "s3a://"
:access-key "****"
:secret-key "****"
:bucket "my-bucket"
:path "/my-custom-path"}]
;;Export data to s3
(export-snapshot-to-s3 "my-hbase" "my-snapshot" export-options)
;;Delete snapshot
(delete-snapshot admin "my-snapshot")
;;re-Import data from s3
(import-snapshot-from-s3 "my-hbase" "my-snapshot" export-options))
Fix to export hbase table to s3 @nenorbot
- fix tls error in leiningen 2.8.1
Copyright © 2017 Jean-Baptiste Besselat / Linkfluence SAS
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.