A minecraft plugin to be able to easily configure basic things that are executed when a player logs in for the first time
License MIT
- Download Plugin from Spigot or Github releases
- Move the jar file to the plugins folder
- Start your server and configure in
# Plugin replace Placeholders? (development)
placeholder-api: false
# Is used in variable %server%
server-name: "Luis's server"
# This message is always sent to all players when a player joins
- "&e%player% joined the game"
############ Messages and Commands ##############
# %player% - Is replaced by the player's name #
# %server% - Is replaced by the server's name #
- "&f#############################################"
- "&a Hi &2%player%&a welcome to the %server%!"
- "&6 We hope you have a good time!"
- "&f#############################################"
- "say Hey everyone, %player% is new here!"
# Here save serialized items
items: []
- First add the JitPack repository to your build file.
- Add the dependency