Google OAuth2 is activated for authentication and the /conf/usergoogle endpoint used to transmit the user email and TokenId provided by Google for validation. The LDAP/SAML was deactivated, now uses the Google login through LoginModal popup with the Google sign-in button. Lastly, the endpoint is now "/intuition", it is true that curators rely on intuition about repeated observations from reading the text as a career, that is/has been the most profitable way to find functional sentences in the demo frontend. Tools for sequencing are under test status development and the genes are indexed via Apache Solr with unique coverage algorithm based partly on Czapla et al. JMB 2008.
LATEST ITEMS: T2T-CHM13v2.0 reference genome Lucene indexing Test1.readFASTA(), this enables search (e.g., fuzzy search for mutations) of DNA sequences, TestMIND.testSeqSearch() shows an Abl1 query that looks for sequence on forward and reverse strands and locates the Abl1 coding region on Chromosome 9. The related dataset from NCBI has 72,439 genes with gene, mRNA transcript, and amino acid sequence for each gene ("Targets" collection in MongoDB contains the chromosome/location data for T2T-CHM13v2.0 dataset). GCA_009914755.4_T2T-CHM13v2.0_genomic.fna from NCBI is used as the data input, and Test1.readGenes() works with the NCBI data for gene sequences and also RNA transcripts, validating their locations and adding to the Targets collection in MongoDB.
REQUIRED improvements: The one greatest biggest criteria is on the PDF2HTML (and the other paragraph / structured table + figures endpoint delivered as JSON) for the advanced cases, selling this was never a goal but it's almost like it has to be good enough to ace the edge cases (latest graphs in some PMIDs >~ 33000000 encoded with newer approaches - great for PDF highlighting but bad for sectionalizing the photo/image components) to fully upgrade to the newest pipeline.
This program populates the Mongo database and Solr search with the Articles, between gene names, cancer names, drug names, and mutation names and
pmID of relevant articles (more generally, all entities). The purpose of consumption is to fulfill queries
from curators and report relevant articles / verify content sorted into categories with topics highlighted.
PDFs are parsed and destructured (pdf package), and an older Tika pipeline framework exists, as well. contains MongoDB config/port information, contains Solr config/port information
mvn spring-boot:run
That will leave up the service to work with the system backend and frontend.
- Match articles to the oncokb_braf_tp53_ros1_pmids.xlsx file (place in intuition folder) - or use bash script processSpreadsheet:
mvn -Dtest=SpringTest#processSpreadsheet -Dfilename=oncokb_braf_tp53_ros1_pmids.xlsx test
- Read in latest Pubmed title/author/abstract/keywords/MeSH terms and follow 1st-level citations - or use bash script weeklyUpdate (automatically run every two days now):
mvn -Dtest=SpringTest#pullDaily test
Script fullUpdate will totally refresh the articles, even from an empty MongoDB database with empty Apache SOLR.
Check that all citations have title/author/abstract/keywords/MeSH terms downloaded - or use bash script updateCitations:
mvn -Dtest=SpringTest#updateCitations test
The Dockerfile is included in the package and a file for docker-compose.yml includes the following:
context: ./intuition
restart: always
- 7050:7050
The port 7050 may be closed (two lines starting with "ports:") after establishing a Docker reverse proxy (e.g. NGINX) or similar technology in production provides the Dockerfile for SOLR 8.11.1 and the latest MongoDB Community Edition amd64/mongo is available on Docker Hub (Ubuntu Focal with MongoDB CE 5.0.x)
Relevant URLs:
The Swagger documentation for the backend.
Demo system: Documentation: