January is Jeff's personal digital therapy friend. She is programmed to talk to him and provide emotional support and wellbeing.
Ideally Docker would run as a container, however I keep running into issues where it won't use the GPU.
It is important to bind Ollama to all interfaces so that it is accessible within the container.
- Create a Service Override
sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/ollama.service.d/
- This creates a directory (-p any parent directories if they don't exist)
- This directory is for systemd override files. When systemd runs it will check in here for any additional configuration data. In this case ollama.service
- Create Override Configuration File
printf '[Service]\nEnvironment="OLLAMA_HOST="\n' | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/ollama.service.d/override.conf
- printf '[Service]\nEnvironment="OLLAMA_HOST="\n': This creates a string that specifies a new environment variable for the Ollama service:
- [Service]: This section indicates that the following configuration applies to the service itself.
- Environment="OLLAMA_HOST=": This sets the OLLAMA_HOST environment variable to This instructs Ollama to bind to all network interfaces (localhost and the VM’s external IP).
- sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/ollama.service.d/override.conf:
- tee writes the output from printf to the specified file (in this case, /etc/systemd/system/ollama.service.d/override.conf), while also displaying it on the terminal.
- The file being written is the override configuration file for the Ollama service, and it will contain the environment variable configuration.
- Apply Changes
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart ollama
Go to https://api.slack.com and create a bot application for the Workspace. You need to setup an APP Key and a Bot Key with the necessary permissions. Then the keys will need to be added to an environment file.
You will need to create a .env file with the following variables
STORAGE_PATH = /chroma/chroma
The following command will create the image
sudo docker build -t january .
The following can be added to a Docker compose file
image: january # The January service image
container_name: january
network_mode: host
- /home/aibox/storage/chroma_db:/chroma/chroma
restart: always
If you recieve errors accessing Ollama you can try installing a Docker container and using either sh or bash to run networking commands.
docker run -itd --rm --network host --name testerman ubuntu
sudo docker exec -it testerman bin/bash
When in the ubuntu container
apt update && apt upgrade
apt install curl
curl http://localhost:11434
You should see that Ollama is accessible. This will also work with and
Ollama is runningroot@host