This program is like 2ちゃん program.
- roswell
- quicklisp
- caveman2
- flexi-streams
- Ironclad
- cl-markup
- generate-like-certain-board-strings
do before first run
ros install madosuki/generate-like-certain-board-strings
ros install clack
and set path to your .roswell/bin
The setting file path is according to BOARD_SETTING_PATH shell variable.
Normal DAT file path is according to DAT_DIR_PATH shell variable.
Kakolog DAT file path is according to KAKOLOG_DAT_DIR_PATH shell variable.
Output HTML from dat when outdate path is according to KAKOLOG_HTML_DIR_PATH shell variable.
Above shell variables is must set.
And should check settings_sample.json and SETTING_SAMPLE.txt.
Rename the former to settings.json then must put that in BOARD_SETTING_PATH/.
Rename the latter to SETTING.txt then must put that in BOARD_SETTING_PATH/your board name/.
Above process is need before run app.