Mahesh Gorantla & Rahul Patni
Please put your antlr.jar file in "lib" directory and submit it with other files.
The provided Makefile is for ANTLR v4, Please edit your own Makefile if you're using v3 or something else.
Edit the Makefile with actual group member names.
Micro.g4 is the grammar file that you should edit and will be your main java program after you edit it.
- Step 0: Test submission (Grade: 100)
- Step 1: Scanner (Grade: 100)
- Step 2: Scanner (Grade: 100)
- Step 3: Symbol Table (Grade: 100)
- Step 4: Expressions (Grade: 100)
- Step 5: Control Structures (Grade: 100)
- Step 6: Functions (Grade: 100)
- Step 7: Register Allocation (Grade: 100)
- Step 8: Final Submission Step (Grade: N/A)