Sequential entries of a long number with offset for the FPGA microarchitecture on system verilog.
The number is typed on toggle switches of 4 digits and sequentially displayed on 6 indicators. The typed character is recorded after setting "1" at the write enable input.
- The state S0 is the initial one.
- State S1 - waiting for input. Hold time 4 cycles. U output status.
- Next, the automaton goes into the input state S2. Output status In. The hold time of the input state is 2 cycles.
- The machine switches to the output state S3 and outputs "_" if the permission is not received, when the input permission is received, the entered digit is displayed. The hold time of the output state is 3 cycles. From the output state, the automaton again switches to waiting for input. Serial output can be organized using a demultiplexer.
The program uses 4 modules: main, cdd, coder, lower. Below is a table with descriptions of all modules.
Module | Description |
main.v | Main module connecting all modules |
cdd.v | Combinatorial digital device |
coder.v | Data decoder |
lower.v | Main module connecting all modules |
The combinatorial digital device module uses 4 states: RESET, WAIT, OUTPUT, READ, SHIFT. Below is a table with descriptions of all states.
State | Description |
RESET | Adjust to zero registers and counter |
WAIT | Waiting to input data |
OUTPUT | Data output |
READ | Read data and write to register |
SHIFT | Shifts registers |
This software is released under the MIT License.