A reproducible build for custom Chromebook ROMs (and BOOT_STUBs) with a SeaBIOS payload, built from Google's Coreboot fork. This is useful if you want to install and boot a regular Linux OS rather than ChromeOS
- vagrant up
- vagrant ssh
- Either: /vagrant/build/build_rom.sh <wolf|swanky>
- Or: /vagrant/build/build_boot_stub.sh <wolf|swanky|etc>
A few minutes later you will have a newly built ROM in roms/<boardname>.rom, or roms/<boardname>.bootstub.rom in the case of a BOOT_STUB.
The build script will work fine in a regular Linux context - the point of Vagrant is to give you known versions of build tools, and a cross-platform build. (Ubuntu Trusty for instance packages GCC 4.8 - I think there's some errors if you try to compile with a newer GCC).
The resultant ROMs don't seem to work on Bay Trail Chromebooks. Therefore you're better off for the moment using BOOT_STUBs for the following:
- candy
- clapper
- kip
- paine
- quawks
- squawks
- swanky