This is my end of degree project for the Video Game Development degree at CITM (Terrassa). It consisted in developing a Combat System in Unreal Engine 5 but centering as much as possible on getting the best Game Feel possible.
- 1.0/Gold Version:
- GitHub repo:
- My GitHub profile:
- LinkedIn profile:ès-francesch-7206b3186/
The demo is only compatible with Xbox gamepads, if you want to play using a PS4 controller you will need to download a converter from PS4 input to windows gamepad such as DS4 Windows:
- W -> Move Forward
- S -> Move Bacwards
- A -> Turn Left
- D -> Turn Right
R3 (PS4), RSB (XBOX), Q (Keyboard) -> Lock Target
O / Hold (PS4), B (XBOX), Shift (Keyboard)-> Run
O (PS4), B (XBOX), Space (Keyboard) -> Roll
Square (PS4), X (XBOX), E (Keyboard) -> Kick
R1 (PS4), RB (XBOX), Left Mouse Button (PC) -> Attack
L1 (PS4), LB (XBOX), Middle Mouse Button (PC) -> Block
L2 (PS4), LT (XBOX), Right Mouse Button (PC) -> Aim
R2 (PS4), RT (XBOX), Left Mouse Button (PC) -> Shoot
R2 (PS4), RT (XBOX), Left Mouse Button (PC) -> Strong attack
Start(PS4), Menu(XBOX) Escape (PC) -> Open/Close pause menu
To close or restart the demo open the pause menu.
- Move the right joystick of your gamepad or the mouse left and right to switch between enemies when one is locked.
- If you are running and attack without releasing the run button you will perform a rolling slash.
- If you attack just before stop rolling you will also perform a rolling slash.
- Block and press the attack button when the enemy starts performing an attack to parry it. Attacking him after being parried will kill him instantly.