is a typescript
library designed to serialize and
de-serialize DTO objects from and to JSON objects. Using the library, you would
be able to load the JSON data from Http
into an object graph of your DTO classes as well as serialize a DTO object graph
so that it can be sent to an output stream.
The idea behind this is that you do not need to add serialization and de-serialization methods to each of your DTO classes - thus keeping them clean and simple.
The core of the library is the ObjectMapper
class which essentially serializes and
de-serializes object graph.
It has the following methods:
serialize(Object) => String
: will serialize a class instance into JSON string.deserialize(Type, Object) => Type
: will take a class type and a JSON object and create a new instance of the class type based on the JSON data model.deserializeArray(Type, Object) => Type[]
: will take a JSON array and convert that to an array of class type.
There is also the @JsonProperty
decorator which has additional metadata about
how the class properties needs to be processed. This decorator comes handy when
you do want to deserialize a non-primitive type object to a instance property
(see JS primitive types).
It's the same when declaring arrays even though the array can be of a primitive date type.
For non-primitive types if this property decorator is not present, raw JSON data
will be assinged as the property value.
The decorator takes the following optional values:
- name : name of the JSON property to map to. This name will also be used during serialization
- required: is this field required in the JSON object that is being deserialized
- access: is this serializable and de-serializable
- type: the type of Object that should be assigned to this property
Lets have a look at an example:
class SimpleRoster {
private name: String = undefined;
private worksOnWeekend: Boolean = undefined;
private numberOfHours: Number = undefined;
private systemDate: Date = undefined;
public isAvailableToday(): Boolean {
if (this.systemDate.getDay() % 6 == 0 && this.worksOnWeekend == false) {
return false;
return true;
let json = {
'name': 'John Doe',
'worksOnWeekend' : false,
'numberOfHours': 8,
'systemDate' : 1483142400000 // Sat Dec 31, 2016
let testInstance: SimpleRoster = ObjectMapper.deserialize(SimpleRoster, json);
First lets talk about the property systemDate
and the @JsonProperty
property decorator assinged
to it. As the Date
type is not a primitive data type, you will need to explicitly mention that
to the processor that we need to create a new instance of Date
object with the supplied value and
assign it to the systemDate
When the deserialize
method runs, it will first create a new instance of 'SimpleRoster' class.
Then it will parse the keys of the instance and assign the correct values to
each keys. While doing that, it will make sure that the right property types are maintained -
meaning that name
field will be assinged a String
object with the value 'John Doe', numberOfHours
will be assigned
a Number
object and the systemDate
field will be assinged a Date
object with the value
Sat Dec 31, 2016
. The method will also make sure that all the nested object graphs has been
created based on the JSON model.
The serialize
method will serialize an object graph into JSON string (similar to what JSON.stringrify()
method would do) while honoring the decorator metadata. Following is an example of serialization:
class SimpleClass {
firstName: string = "John";
middleName: string = "P";
lastName: string = "Doe";
@JsonProperty({ type: String, name: "AKA" })
knownAs: String[] = ["John", "Doe", "JohnDoe", "JohnPDoe"]
let instance: SimpleClass = new SimpleClass();
let stringrified: String = ObjectMapper.serialize(instance);
From the example above, the knownAs
property is serialized as AKA
as defined in the @JsonProperty
The library uses non-recursive iterations to process data. That means you can
serialize and de-serialize large amount of data quickly and efficiently using any
modern browser as well as native applications (such as nodejs, electron,
nativescript, etc.). Please have a look at the test
folder to see few examples
of using large dataset as well as how to use the library in general.
The library is inspired by the popular jackson library.
As with the java
version, it uses typescript
decorators to decorate properties with additional metadata.
I will try to stick as close as possible to the jackson
annotations so that the transition can be simple.
The project is hosted on github.com. You can either download it from there or from npmjs.com with the npm
npm install json-object-mapper --save
The library depends on reflect-metadata library.
Originally, I thought of not having to force a dependency on another library.
But when you look the geneated JS code for a typescript
it is always trying to check for the variable Reflect
. So, until such time when
decorators can be de-coupled from Reflect
library, I am sticking with it.
You can use enum
data type by specifying the type
property of @JsonProperty decorator.
You will need to use Serializer
and Deserializer
to make the enum work correctly.
Following is an example of enum
serialization and de-serialization:
class DaysEnumSerializerDeserializer implements Deserializer, Serializer{
deserialize = (value: string): Days => {
return Days[value];
serialize = (value: Days): string => {
return '"' + Days[value] + '"';
enum Days{
Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat
class Workday{
@JsonProperty({ type: Days, deserializer: DaysEnumSerializerDeserializer, serializer: DaysEnumSerializerDeserializer})
today: Days = undefined;
let json = { "today": 'Tues' };
let testInstance: Workday = ObjectMapper.deserialize(Workday, json);
expect(testInstance.today == Days.Tues).toBeTruthy();
testInstance.today = Days.Fri;
let serialized: String = ObjectMapper.serialize(testInstance);
This can be achieved by using implementations of Serializer
and Deserializer
. For example:
class MapDeserailizer implements Deserializer {
deserialize = (value: any): any => {
let mapToReturn: Map<String, String> = new Map<String, String>();
if (value) {
Object.keys(value).forEach((key: String) => {
mapToReturn.set(key, value['' + key]);
return mapToReturn;
It's very hard to get a Date
instance right across all browsers -
have a look at the stackoverflow discussion.
The best way to manage this complexitiy I have found so far is to use the
new Date(value)
constructor which takes the number of milliseconds since
1st January 1970 UTC. So, to best use this library, make sure that the date is
passed on as the number of milliseconds during deserializition:
jsonTest["dateType"] : 1333065600000;
even though it will take the date as string without guranting the accuracy of time:
jsonTest["dateType"] : '05/08/2013';
For serialization, it will only print out the milliseconds:
Also, you will need to use the DateSerializer
or your own implementation for serializing Date
@JsonProperty({type: Date, name:'dateOfBirth', serializer: DateSerializer})
dob: Date = new Date(1483142400000)