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The isr_activity_recognition stack was developed for real time human activity recognition using a mobile robot. It uses an RGB-D sensor (Microsoft Kinect) to track the human skeleton and extract features. The classification is done using a Dynamic Bayesian Mixture Model (DBMM) which combines two or more single classifiers to improve the overall classification performance.
In addition to recognizing activities, reactions can be triggered according to the activity being performed. If a person says "follow me", the robot will follow the person, keeping the monitoring. If the activity detected is "running" or "jumping", a sonorous warning will be triggered. Finally, if the activity detected is "falling", the robot will ask if the person needs help and in affirmative case, it will call a doctor or relative (not implemented).


  1. Walking
  2. Standing still
  3. Working on computer
  4. Talking on the phone
  5. Running
  6. Jumping
  7. Falling
  8. Sitting down

The isr_activity_recognition was implemented and tested using ROS Hydro running on Ubuntu 12.04.

Necessary third party libraries

Description of packages and other files

  • openni_launch: This package contains launch files for using OpenNI-compliant devices such as the Microsoft Kinect in ROS.

  • openni_tracker: The OpenNI tracker broadcasts the OpenNI skeleton frames using tf.

  • learning_image_geometry: This package projects the tf frames of the skeleton acquired by the openni_tracker onto an image.

  • learninf_tf: This package uses the tf_listener node to get the coordinates of the skeleton being tracked relative to the torso and camera, and the node to recognize the activity being performed.

  • pi_speech_tutorial: This package contains lauch files for speech recognition.

  • random_navigation_goals: This package is responsible for robot navigation. The simple_navigation_goals node makes the robot randomly navigate the environment. The follower_speed node makes the robot follow a person, using velocity commands. The follower node makes the robot follow a person if it hear "follow me", avoiding collision with the human. Finally, the follower_speed node does the same as the follower node, sending velocity commands instead.

  • isr_activity_recognition: This is the main package. It launches all necessary files for activity recognition.


roslaunch isr_activity_recognition activity_recognition.launch

If you have a mobile robot up and running you can also run

rosrun random_navigation_goals one_of_the_follower_nodes

Additional Information

If you find isr_activity_recognition stack helpful, please cite it as

  1. Mario Vieira, Diego R. Faria, Urbano Nunes, Real-time Aplication for Monitoring Human Daily Activities and Risk Situations in Robot-assisted Living, 2015
  2. Diego R. Faria, Mário Vieira, Cristiano Premebida, Urbano Nunes, Probabilistic Human Daily Activity Recognition towards Robot-assisted Living, 2015

Software available at http://www.

For any questions and comments, please send your email to [email protected] or [email protected]

This work has been supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, COMPETE and QREN programs under Grant AMS-HMI12 RECI/EEI-AUT/0181/2012. The authors are with Institute of Systems and Robotics, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Coimbra, Polo II, 3030-290 Coimbra, Portugal.


ROS stack for human activity recognition.






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