Janet Sudoku - initial release for Java, Android, .NET, MONO
v.1.1.0 (2016-04-16): Initial release
Sudoku Solver API
simple solving
path / sequence leading to the solution
evaluating solution existence
finding all solutions
puzzle / solution loading / saving
solving randomization options
error handling (error codes, messages)
Sudoku Generator API
random generator
generator based on puzzle
generating randomization options
error handling (error codes, messages)
Store API enabling variety of operations
160 built-in puzzle examples
A bunch of built-in operations enabling puzzle modification (i.e. rotation, reflection, swapping, permutation, ...)
Puzzle checking
Puzzle loading and saving
Rating puzzle difficulty
Janet Sudoku Demo App - command line tool based on the library
Puzzle loading
Puzzle generating
Puzzle evaluating
Puzzle solving
Puzzle rating
Puzzle saving
Regression tests
Large number of regression / unit tests
Enjoy 👍
Mariusz Gromada
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