Wordpress Link Preview Plugin
The purpose of this plugin is to create Facebook style links in Wordpress posts.
The idea of placing this code on github is so that someone can work on it to improve it.
As it is I have enough time to get something working to use on my site and that's about it.
A fair amount of the code used here is derived from other projects.
The main sources of code will be detailed in this readme file.
Link preview https://github.com/LeonardoCardoso/Facebook-Link-Preview I use code from this public domain project to get information and the image. This uses the php classes
Wordpress plugin "WordPress Plugin Template" Copyright (C) 2016 Michael Simpson (email : [email protected])
Image resize code https://github.com/mendezcode/mr-image-resize
Meta tag process http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3711357/getting-title-and-meta-tags-from-external-website This uses the code snippet from shamitar