Photogrammetric image processing: DSM generation tool for OSSIM
This is the repository for OSSIM GSoc 2014: it contains the code for the development of an OSSIM App for Digital Surface Models (DSMs) generation.
For more information about the project see
This repository only contains the new and updated files, with reference to the structure of the OSSIM repository (
In order to compile and install this OSSIM Plug-In use the following instructions:
1. Install and compile the latest OSSIM version
2. Open a terminal window in the OSSIM_DEV_HOME/ossim_plugins/opencv/
3. In this folder delete the old CMakeLists.txt file ($rm CMakeLists.txt)
4. Use the following git commands to update the ossim opencv plugin
$git init
$git remote add origin
$git pull origin master
5. Re-compile the OSSIM version enabling the OPENCV plugin option in the configuration file
For any doubts or issues please email me: [email protected]