This is some useful snippets condensed in an easy api
X.take() is a simplified Genlex where you define tokens, and tehey have by default classic separators ()
const c = C.char('x')
const p =X.take(['<', c.rep(), ">"]).map(t=> t.join(''));
const val = p.val("<xx x >");
Separators are by default
separator = C.charIn(' \r\n\f\t').drop();
but can be changed
const c = C.char('x')
const p =X.take(['<', c.rep(), ">"], C.char('-') ).map(t=> t.join(''));
const val = p.val("<-x---x-x->");
It's also possible to combine multiple take, like it's done in the Json parser
return take([attribute, take([COMMA.drop(), attribute]).optrep()])
It combines multiple
X.tryAll([x, y, z])
It's a reusable json parser (WIP)