- boost 1.76
- g++ 8.3.0
- python 3.7
Run the following commands from the main probgraph-public folder:
cd src
cd ../
Now run the test to check that everything works:
or you can try it yourself by running any of the executables in probgraph-public/src/
the general formulation is
possible choices for PROBLEM are:
: Triangle Countingjp-jc
: Clustering (Jaccard)jp-ov
: Clustering (Overlap)jp-cn
: Clustering (Common neigh.)4c
: 4-cliques
possible choices for APPROXIMATOR are:
: Baseline1h
: one-hashbf
: Bloom Filterpgp
: Partial Graph Processingredex
: Reduced Executioncolorful
: only available for Triangle Counting
For example,
./src/tc_bf -g 17 -k 256
will run Triangle counting (TC) using Bloom Filters (BF) on a Kronecker graph with 2^17 nodes and 256 avg. degree (-g 17 -k 256). Run any executable with the -h flag to see the available options
In order to run experiments on stored graphs, you will have to download them in the probgraph-sc/src/graphs/ folder. Some small graphs are already in the folder. You can find a list of graphs in the paper together with references to the datasets. In alternative, you can download your own graphs in the graphs folder. Be sure they are in the ordered edgelist format.
To reproduce the experiments in the paper, run
(use the _CLUSTER version if you are on a cluster)
Then, collect all results using
this will overwrite the existing csv files in the result folders. If you just want to generate the images from the existing data, skip the two previous steps and just run
Analysis of performance, accuracy and memory for the BF and MH ProbGraph approximators (Jaccard Similarity Clustering)
Accuracy and Speed-up for various measures estimated with ProbGraph on Kronecker graphs.
Weak scaling behaviour of ProbGraph and some representative baselines for the TC problem.
Analysis of the accuracy of ProbGraph estimators for intersection.
Run the following commands to reproduce our accuracy study for the interesection estimator:
cd src/src
g++ -o evaluate_intersection_estimators evaluate_intersection_estimators.cpp MurmurHash3.cpp
cd ../..
python3 create_intersection_estimator_plots.py
The plots will be saved in the folder 'intersection_estimator_plots'. Please note that due to the random choice of hash functions, the plots will slightly vary each time they are re-generated.