Parking is one of the major issue on Indian roads these days, with the numbers of vehicles soaring and the lack of enough parking areas parking is major headache for all the vehicles owners. Not able to find any parking area, people resolve to park their vehicles on the road. The situation is such that on any given working day approximately 40% of the roads in urban India are taken up for just parking the cars! This leads to a further congestion on already inadequate roads.
I introduce the solution to this through SmartPark, that will make you do away with your parking woes! The model is simple- similar to what Airbnb does for accomodation, SmartPark does it with unutilised land in places like houses, schools, business parks, etc. Anyone can sign up on SmartPark and register their space as parking space in the app. Our app will then display these parking spots to the drivers, who can then pay the parking amount through SmartPark's wallet, and get their vehicle park. The space which would have been untilised is now earning money for the owner, while the society is getting beniffeted by a seamless parking experience. It's a win-win situation for both the society and the people who lease their space.
The app only shows the parking spots which are available and the drivers reserve parking spot in advance, thus ensuring a hassle free parking experience.