- Create VPC with all required components
- Create EC2 Instance inside of newly created VPC
- Create 2 S3 buckets
- Upload 1 file to one of the buckets
- Ssh to EC2 Instance and copy a file from one bucket to another using aws cli (You will need to work with permissions)
- Login to your aws account
- Navigate to VPC service
- Create VPC
- Choose VPC only
- Provide VPC name “project3-vpc”
- Provide IPv4 CIDR block “”
- Choose Tenancy “default’
- Click “create VPC” button
- Navigate to Internet Gateway
- Click the "Create internet gateway" button
- Provide a name “my-igw”
- Click the "Create internet gateway" button
- Click the "Actions" button and choose "Attach to VPC".
- Choose “*project3-vpc” from Available VPCs
Navigate to Subnets
Click the "Create subnet" button
Select the VPC “project3-vpc’
Provide subnet name “pubsub1”
Availability Zone “us-east-2a”
Provide IPv4 CIDR block “”
Add new subnet
Provide subnet name “pubsub2”
Availability Zone “us-east-2b”
Provide IPv4 CIDR block “”
Add new subnet
Provide subnet name “privsub1”
Availability Zone “us-east-2a”
Provide IPv4 CIDR block “”
Add new subnet
Provide subnet name “privsub2”
Availability Zone “us-east-2b”
Provide IPv4 CIDR block “”
Click the "Create subnet" button
Navigate to Subnets
Choose “pubsub1”, actions and “edit subnet settings” and check “Enabling auto-assign public IPv4 address” and click save button.
Choose “pubsub2”, actions and “edit subnet settings” and check “Enabling auto-assign public IPv4 address” and click save button.
Navigate to "Route tables"
Select existing route table
Choose Routes and “edit routes”
Add route and type give destination cidr block “” and for target choose “internet gateway igw” and save changes
Subnet associations, edit subnet associations choose public subnets pubsu1 and pubsub2 and click save associations button.
- Navigate to EC2
- Click on Instance
- Click on Launch Instance
- Provide name “projects3-ec2”
- Leave default an Amazon Machine Image choose Amazon Linux
- Leave default instance type t2.micro
- Key pair, proceed without key pair
- Network settings, click on “edit” button choose “projects3-vpc” choose any of the public subnets “pubsub2”
- Firewall(security group) it will create it by default with ssh port open
- Click on Launch instance
- Navigate to the S3 Dashboard
- Click on "Create Bucket".
- Provide Bucket name “damira-bucket1” leave everything else as default and click on “Create button”
- Provide Bucket name “damira-bucket2” leave everything else as default and click on “Create button”
- Navigate to Buckets click on “ damira-bucket1, click Upload , click on Add Files and choose the file that you want to upload click on that file, open and click on upload button.
- Navigate to the IAM Dashboard
- Click on Roles
- Click on Create role and Trusted entity type leave as default "AWS services"
- Use case choose EC2 and click on next
- Permission policies search for "AmazonS3FullAccess" and click next
- Provide the role name "ec2-s3-full-access" click create role
- Navigate to EC2, click on instance, choose the proper instance "projects3-ec2", click on Actions choose "Security" then click on "Modify IAM role"
- Choose IAM role "ec2-s3-full-access" then click on Update IAM role
- Choose you EC2 instance, click on connect and connect
- To list the all the buckets in your account use command
aws s3 ls - To list content of the bucket use command below
aws s3 ls s3://damira-bucket1 - To copy the file from s3 bucket1 to EC2 instance use command below
aws s3 cp s3://damira-bucket1/eliza.txt . - To copy file from EC2 instance to S3 bucket2
aws s3 cp eliza.txt s3://damira-bucket2 - To confirm file was copied to bucket2, run command below
aws s3 ls s3://damira-bucket2 - You may also check from the console clicking on bucket2
Participants | Time Spent hrs |
Amela | 10 |
Eliza | 10 |
Damira | 10 |
Mukhiddin | 10 |
John | 10 |