Wanna see how final version of #webGISapp looks like ? Check this out the final version of #WEBGIS #App. We have used all the open source planforms to make this app so you all can do it too.
- Layers are hosted in #geoserver.
- #Openlayers library is used (v6) and #Openlayers_switcher.
- Single page #HTML code.
- Data was downloaded from Geoscience Australia.
- Boundary layer was extracted from SpatialOX database.
- #WMTS was #AGOL base map and topographic map.
- App was hosted on local server backed by #POSTGIS/#POSTGRESQL Database.
Click this link to view Video Screen Capture (https://drive.google.com/file/d/15W2snyP8X2VCxXL6GzPZPu1dlXhEseAW/view?usp=sharing)
#data #environmental #transportation #data #transportation #environmental #spatialox #spatialdata #gisday2022 #GIS #gisanalyst #gismapping #gisapplication #remotesensing #remoteservices #geoinformatics #precisionagriculture #roadmap #satelliteimagery #esri #esripartner #maptitude #freelancedeveloper #elevationdesign #dataanalytics #dronetech #dronesurveying #dronemapping #dronesurvey #dronetechnology #sql #python #Arcgis #gps #database #projectmanagement #geology #digital #autocad #australia #opensource