This project was created as a school project for the class PRPO.
To run the project you require maven and Java. It is recommended that you have Java 17.
The backend is compiled in the /backend directory using:
After that you can build the images with the Dockerfiles for each microservice manually and run them locally on different ports. The application inside the container will listen on port 8080.
The application expects that it will run in Kubernetes cluster so if you want to run it locally you will have to change the config.yaml files found at microservice/src/main/resource/config.yaml.
name: litlink
version: 1.0.0
name: dev
- jndi-name: jdbc/LitLinkDS
connection-url: jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/litlink #change this line to: connection-url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/litlink
username: postgres
password: postgres
max-pool-size: 20
enabled: true
mapping: /v1/users/openapi
The application also expects that the database will have a user named postgres with the password postgres that is named litlink so run: