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Amazon Pay SDK (PHP)

Amazon Pay API Integration


Support for PHP 5.3 and 5.4 is being deprecated. The SDK will work in these older environments, but future versions may not. We encourage merchants to move to a newer version of PHP at their earliest convenience.


Integration steps can be found below:


Quick Start

The client takes in parameters in the following format:

  1. Associative array
  2. Path to the JSON file containing configuration information.

Installing using Composer

composer require amzn/amazon-pay-sdk-php

Directory Tree

├── composer.json - Configuration for composer
├── LICENSE.txt
├── NOTICE.txt
├── AmazonPay
│   ├── Client.php - Main class with the API calls
│   ├── ClientInterface.php - Shows the public function definitions in Client.php
│   ├── HttpCurl.php -  Client class uses this file to execute the GET/POST
│   ├── HttpCurlInterface.php - Shows the public function definitions in the HttpCurl.php
│   ├── IpnHandler.php - Class handles verification of the IPN
│   ├── IpnHandlerInterface.php - Shows the public function definitions in the IpnHandler.php
│   ├── Regions.php -  Defines the regions that is supported
│   ├── ResponseParser.php -  Parses the API call response
│   └── ResponseInterface.php - Shows the public function definitions in the ResponseParser.php
└── UnitTests
    ├── ClientTest.php
    ├── config.json
    ├── coverage.txt
    ├── IpnHandlerTest.php
    └── Signature.php

Parameters List

Mandatory Parameters

Parameter variable name Values
Merchant Id merchant_id Default : null
Access Key access_key Default : null
Secret Key secret_key Default : null
Region region Default : null
Other: us,de,uk,jp

Optional Parameters

Parameter Variable name Values
Currency Code currency_code Default : null
Environment sandbox Default : false
Other: true
Platform ID platform_id Default : null
CA Bundle File cabundle_file Default : null
Application Name application_name Default : null
Application Version application_version Default : null
Proxy Host proxy_host Default : null
Proxy Port proxy_port Default : -1
Proxy Username proxy_username Default : null
Proxy Password proxy_password Default : null
LWA Client ID client_id Default : null
Handle Throttle handle_throttle Default : true
Other: false

Setting Configuration

Your Amazon Pay keys are available in your Seller Central account

Setting configuration while instantiating the Client object

namespace AmazonPay;

require_once 'Client.php';
// or, instead of using require_once, you can use the phar file instead
// include 'amazon-pay.phar';

// PHP Associative array
$config = array(
    'merchant_id' => 'YOUR_MERCHANT_ID',
    'access_key'  => 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY',
    'secret_key'  => 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY',
    'client_id'   => 'YOUR_LOGIN_WITH_AMAZON_CLIENT_ID',
    'region'      => 'REGION');

// or, instead of setting the array in the code, you can
// initialze the Client by specifying a JSON file
// $config = 'PATH_TO_JSON_FILE';

// Instantiate the client class with the config type
$client = new Client($config);

Testing in Sandbox Mode

The sandbox parameter is defaulted to false if not specified:

namespace AmazonPay;

$config = array(
    'merchant_id' => 'YOUR_MERCHANT_ID',
    'access_key'  => 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY',
    'secret_key'  => 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY',
    'client_id'   => 'YOUR_LOGIN_WITH_AMAZON_CLIENT_ID',
    'region'      => 'REGION',
    'sandbox'     => true);

$client = new Client($config);

// Also you can set the sandbox variable in the config() array of the Client class by


Setting Proxy values

Proxy parameters can be set after Instantiating the Client Object with the following setter

$proxy =  array();
$proxy['proxy_user_host'] // Hostname for the proxy
$proxy['proxy_user_port'] // Hostname for the proxy
$proxy['proxy_user_name'] // If your proxy requires a username
$proxy['proxy_user_password'] // If your proxy requires a password


Making an API Call

Below is an example on how to make the GetOrderReferenceDetails API call:

namespace AmazonPay;

$requestParameters = array();

// AMAZON_ORDER_REFERENCE_ID is obtained from the Amazon Pay Address/Wallet widgets
// ACCESS_TOKEN is obtained from the GET parameter from the URL.

// Required Parameter
$requestParameters['amazon_order_reference_id'] = 'AMAZON_ORDER_REFERENCE_ID';

// Optional Parameter
$requestParameters['address_consent_token']  = 'ACCESS_TOKEN';
$requestParameters['mws_auth_token']         = 'MWS_AUTH_TOKEN';

$response = $client->getOrderReferenceDetails($requestParameters);

See the API Response section for information on parsing the API response.

Below is an example on how to make the GetMerchantAccountStatus API call:

$requestParameters = array();

// Optional Parameter
$requestParameters['mws_auth_token']         = 'MWS_AUTH_TOKEN';

$response = $client->getMerchantAccountStatus($requestParameters);
echo $response->toXml() . "\n";

// Sample Response
<GetMerchantAccountStatusResponse xmlns="">

See the API Response section for information on parsing the API response.

Below is an example on how to make the ListOrderReference API call:

$requestParameters = array();

// Required Parameter
$configArray['query_id']             = 'SELLER_ORDER_ID';
$configArray['query_id_type']        = 'SellerOrderId';

// Optional Parameter
$requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] = 'MWS_AUTH_TOKEN';
$configArray['page_size']            = "1";

$response = $client->listOrderReference($requestParameters);
echo $response->toXml() . "\n";

// Sample Response
<ListOrderReferenceResponse xmlns="">
          <StoreName>PHP SDK Test goGetOrderReferenceDetails</StoreName>
          <CustomInformation>PHP SDK Custom Information Testing</CustomInformation>
          <SellerOrderId>PHP SDK ID# 12345</SellerOrderId>

See the API Response section for information on parsing the API response.

Below is an example on how to make the ListOrderReferenceByNextToken API call:

$requestParameters = array();

// Required Parameter
$configArray['next_page_token']            = "NEXT_PAGE_TOKEN";

$response = $client->listOrderReferenceByNextToken($requestParameters);
echo $response->toXml() . "\n";

// Sample Response
<ListOrderReferenceByNextTokenResponse xmlns="">
          <StoreName>PHP SDK Test goGetOrderReferenceDetails</StoreName>
          <CustomInformation>PHP SDK Custom Information Testing</CustomInformation>
          <SellerOrderId>PHP SDK ID# 12345</SellerOrderId>

See the API Response section for information on parsing the API response.

IPN Handling

  1. To receive IPN's successfully you will need an valid SSL on your domain.
  2. You can set up your Notification endpoints by either (a) using the Seller Central Integration Settings page Settings tab, or (b) by using the SetMerchantNotificationConfiguration API call.
  3. IpnHandler.php class handles verification of the source and the data of the IPN

Add the below code into any file and set the URL to the file location in Merchant/Integrator URL by accessing Integration Settings page in the Settings tab.

namespace AmazonPay;

require_once 'IpnHandler.php';

// Get the IPN headers and Message body
$headers = getallheaders();
$body = file_get_contents('php://input');

// Create an object($ipnHandler) of the IpnHandler class
$ipnHandler = new IpnHandler($headers, $body);

See the IPN Response section for information on parsing the IPN response.

Setting notification endpoints using SetMerchantNotificationConfiguration API

$client = new AmazonPay\Client($config);

$notificationConfiguration['https://dev.null/ipn/onetime'] = array('ORDER_REFERENCE', 'PAYMENT_AUTHORIZE', 'PAYMENT_CAPTURE');
$notificationConfiguration['https://dev.null/ipn/recurring'] = array('BILLING_AGREEMENT');
$notificationConfiguration['https://dev.null/ipn/refunds'] = array('PAYMENT_REFUND', 'CHARGEBACK_DETAILED');
$requestParameters['notification_configuration_list'] = $notificationConfiguration;

// or, if you prefer all IPNs come to the same endpoint, do this one-liner instead:
// $requestParameters['notification_configuration_list'] = array('https://dev.null/ipn' => array('ALL'));

// if you are calling on behalf of another merhcant using delegated access, be sure to set the merchant ID and auth token:
// $requestParameters['merchant_id'] = 'THE_MERCHANT_ID';
// $requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] = 'THE_MWS_AUTH_TOKEN';

$response = $client->setMerchantNotificationConfiguration($requestParameters);
if ($response->toArray()['ResponseStatus'] !== '200') {
    print "error occured calling API";

// to troubleshoot, you can call GetMerchantNotificationConfiguration to view current IPN settings
$response = $client->getMerchantNotificationConfiguration($requestParameters);
print $response->toXml();

Convenience Methods

Charge Method

The charge method combines the following API calls:

Standard Payments / Recurring Payments

  1. SetOrderReferenceDetails / SetBillingAgreementDetails
  2. ConfirmOrderReference / ConfirmBillingAgreement
  3. Authorize / AuthorizeOnBillingAgreement

For Standard payments the first charge call will make the SetOrderReferenceDetails, ConfirmOrderReference, Authorize API calls. Subsequent call to charge method for the same Order Reference ID will make the call only to Authorize.

For Recurring payments the first charge call will make the SetBillingAgreementDetails, ConfirmBillingAgreement, AuthorizeOnBillingAgreement API calls. Subsequent call to charge method for the same Billing Agreement ID will make the call only to AuthorizeOnBillingAgreement.

Capture Now can be set to true for digital goods . For Physical goods it's highly recommended to set the Capture Now to false and the amount captured by making the capture API call after the shipment is complete.

Parameter Variable Name Mandatory Values
Amazon Reference ID amazon_reference_id yes OrderReference ID (starts with P01 or S01) or
Billing Agreement ID (starts with B01 or C01)
Amazon OrderReference ID amazon_order_reference_id no OrderReference ID (starts with P01 or S01) if no Amazon Reference ID is provided
Amazon Billing Agreement ID amazon_billing_agreement_id no Billing Agreement ID (starts with B01 or C01) if no Amazon Reference ID is provided
Merchant ID merchant_id no Value taken from config array in Client.php
Charge Amount charge_amount yes Amount that needs to be captured.
Maps to API call variables amount , authorization_amount
Currency code currency_code no If no value is provided, value is taken from the config array in Client.php
Authorization Reference ID authorization_reference_id yes Unique string to be passed
Transaction Timeout transaction_timeout no Timeout for Authorization - Defaults to 1440 minutes
Capture Now capture_now no Will capture the payment automatically when set to true. Defaults to false
Charge Note charge_note no Note that is sent to the buyer.
Maps to API call variables seller_note , seller_authorization_note
Charge Order ID charge_order_id no Custom order ID provided
Maps to API call variables seller_order_id , seller_billing_agreement_id
Store Name store_name no Name of the store
Platform ID platform_id no Platform ID of the Solution provider
Custom Information custom_information no Any custom string
MWS Auth Token mws_auth_token no MWS Auth Token required if API call is made on behalf of the seller
ExpectImmediateAuthorization expect_immediate_authorization no Setting value to true, will make OrderReferenceObject to be closed automatically in case no authorization is triggered within 60 minutes
// Create an array that will contain the parameters for the charge API call
$requestParameters = array();

// Adding the parameters values to the respective keys in the array
$requestParameters['amazon_reference_id'] = 'AMAZON_REFERENCE_ID';

// Or
// If $requestParameters['amazon_reference_id'] is not provided,
// either one of the following ID input is needed
$requestParameters['amazon_order_reference_id'] = 'AMAZON_ORDER_REFERENCE_ID';
$requestParameters['amazon_billing_agreement_id'] = 'AMAZON_BILLING_AGREEMENT_ID';

$requestParameters['seller_id'] = null;
$requestParameters['charge_amount'] = '100.50';
$requestParameters['currency_code'] = 'USD';
$requestParameters['authorization_reference_id'] = 'UNIQUE STRING';
$requestParameters['transaction_timeout'] = 0;
$requestParameters['capture_now'] = false; //true for Digital goods
$requestParameters['charge_note'] = 'Example item note';
$requestParameters['charge_order_id'] = '1234-Example-Order';
$requestParameters['store_name'] = 'Example Store';
$requestParameters['platform_Id'] = null;
$requestParameters['custom_information'] = 'Any_Custom_String';
$requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] = null;

// Get the Authorization response from the charge method
$response = $client->charge($requestParameters);

See the API Response section for information on parsing the API response.

Obtain profile information (getUserInfo method)

  1. obtains the user's profile information from Amazon using the access token returned by the Button widget.
  2. An access token is granted by the authorization server when a user logs in to a site.
  3. An access token is specific to a client, a user, and an access scope. A client must use an access token to retrieve customer profile data.
Parameter Variable Name Mandatory Values
Access Token access_token yes Retrieved as GET parameter from the URL
Region region yes Default :null
Value is set in config['region'] array
LWA Client ID client_id yes Default: null
Value should be set in config array
<?php namespace AmazonPay;

// config array parameters that need to be instantiated
$config = array(
    'client_id' => 'YOUR_LWA_CLIENT_ID',
    'region'    => 'REGION');

$client = new Client($config);

// Client ID can also be set using the setter function setClientId($client_id)

// Get the Access Token from the URL
$access_token = 'ACCESS_TOKEN';
// Calling the function getUserInfo with the access token parameter returns object
$userInfo = $client->getUserInfo($access_token);

// Buyer name
// Buyer Email
// Buyer User Id

Response Parsing

Responses are provided in 3 formats

  1. XML/Raw response
  2. Associative array
  3. JSON format

API Response

// Returns an object($response) of the class ResponseParser.php
$response = $client->getOrderReferenceDetails($requestParameters);

// XML response

// Associative array response

// JSON response

IPN Response

$ipnHandler = new IpnHandler($headers, $body);

// Raw message response

// Associative array response

// JSON response


SDK logging of sanitized requests and responses can work with any PSR-3 compliant logger such as Monolog.

API Response

namespace AmazonPay;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
include 'amazon-pay.phar';
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

$log = new Logger('TestSDK');

$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('php://stdout', Logger::DEBUG));

$client = new Client('us.config');

$response = $client->getServiceStatus();


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