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Wrangle Open Street Map data

Project documentation

This text documents the investigations performed on Open Street Map (OSM) raw data extracted from Overpass query. We will screen and audit the raw data, perform some cleaning operations and create a SQL database for further investigation of the OSM content. The following points are addressed.

Table of content

  1. Investigated area
  2. Auditing OSM raw data
    a) Audit node and way attributes
    b) Audit node and way tags
    c) Audit way nodes references
  3. Cleaning operations
    a) Clean weblinks
    b) Clean phone numbers
  4. SQL Database
    a) Database creation
    b) Database queries
  5. Summary
  6. List of references
  7. List of files

Investigated area

The investigated region is approximately 35km north of Hamburg, Germany. The image below shows the extracted region. I selected this area because I've been living here for more than 20 year. I'm actually keen to know how many information and details I are already implemented in the OSM map.

The following overpass query was used to extract the raw data in XML:

overpass query
out meta;

Investigated area: Germany, Schleswig-Hostein, Pinneberg, Elmshorn & Uetersen

Investigated area: Germany, Schleswig-Hostein, Pinneberg, Elmshorn & Uetersen

The downloaded raw file can be found under ./data/GE_SH_PI_elmshorn_uetersen.osm. There is also a reduced data set available called GE_SH_PI_elmshorn_uetersen_k=20.osm for test purpose.

Back to table of content.

Auditing OSM raw data

To get an overview of the data I first checked some general things regarding the OSM content. I used the the script for this purpose. The xml-file contains the following tags:

Overview of tags in OSM raw data:

Tag name Counts sub-tags ref nodes/ members
osm 1
note 1
meta 1
node 252825 46546
way 51297 176900 346424
relation 614 2902 39735

Audit node and way attributes

The python script is used to audit the node attributes, the script is used to audit way attributes. All attributes are checked for correct data type. All integer types and datestamp are checked for range (min, max) and validity (e.g. valid date, all values positive). The nodal coordinates lat, lon are also checked for correct position (within defined bounding box from overpass query). Users are checked for problematic characters.

All fields show valid data types. The node ids range from 131499 to 7869305206, the way ids from 4043904 to 842937254. The coordinates of all nodes are within the bounding box of our investigated region. The uid for nodes and ways ranges between 50 to 11558570. There are 468 unique users in node tags and 444 users in way tags. There are three user names showing problematic characters.

Problematic user names:

uid user node/way
6526984 @mmanuel node
1041363 nit@bse node and way
45059 <don> way

The earliest recorded change made to nodes in this data set is 2007-09-10 08:58:41+00:00 and the latest 2020-09-02 18:21:42+00:00. Way timestamps lay within this range.

Audit node and way tags

All tags consist of a key/ value pair (k/ v). The script is used to assess the data. All key/ value pairs are checked for problematic characters.

Audit tag keys

The keys in the xml file are colon separated keys like railway:ref:DBAG. I use the first part of the key as type and the remaining string as key. This results for the above mentioned key in: type=railway and key=ref:DBA. If there is no colon in the key string the type is set to 'regular'.

There are 787 different type/ key combinations in the OSM data including 111 unique types. Each type has several different keys. The list below shows the most prominent types and some exemplary key names.

Overview of type/ key combinations including example keys:

Type n° of keys Example keys
regular 320 'meter_load', 'loc_name', 'landuse'
railway 72 'signal:speed_limit:speed', 'signal:station_distant', 'position'
destination 33 'colour:to:forward', 'colour:backward', 'colour:text'
recycling 22 'plastic_packaging', 'plastic_bottles', 'waste'
openGeoDB 16 'version', 'type', 'auto_update'
note 16 'stripclub', 'de', 'vacant'
payment 15 'debit_cards', 'ep_geldkarte', 'girocard'
removed 14 'internet_access:fee', 'landuse', 'website'
socket 14 'schuko:output', 'type2:voltage', 'type2_combo:voltage'
fuel 12 'GTL_diesel', 'octane_102', 'biogas'

There are no problematic characters in the type/ key names. Some keys use capital letters or numbers (e.g. openGeoDB:telephone_area_code, but this doesn't seem to be a problem.

As the keys are composed of different colon separated names the very same name could occur in different type/ key combinations. If we were to search for websites for example we need to consult at least three different types. The key=website can be found in the types regular, contact and removed. In addition websites can be found in url keys. Or we might want to look for shops. The key=shop can be found in type regular, ref, note and disused. We need to consider this fact when we clean the data and query the SQL database later.

Audit tag values

There are no missing or NULL values in the data set. I've found problematic characters for value attributes in 86 keys. The table below shows the keys (first 10) containing the most problematic values.

Number of problematic values found in keys:

key problematic values
website 450
name 359
opening_hours 191
phone 189
ref 138
email 79
fax 64
note 43
backward 38
operator 37

The name values contain predominantly bus stops or railway items like crossings as can be seen in the output below. I show only an extract of the output of name values starting with 'B'.

print("Checking problematic name values starting with 'B':")
for name in (n for n in pbl_values['name'] if n[0] == 'B'):
Barmstedt, Markt
Boje-C.-Steffen-Gemeinschaftsschule Elmshorn
Barmstedt, Baumschulenweg
Bevern, Steinfurth
Barmstedt, Galgenberg
Bevern, Schmiedekamp
Bevern, Tannenweg
Bf. Tornesch
Bullenkuhlen, Schulweg
Brücke Elmshorn e.V.
Bf. Prisdorf (SEV)
Bevern, Barkhörner Weg
Barmstedt, Hamburger Straße
Bi'n Himmel
Bullenkuhlen, Achterstraße
Bullenkuhlen, Seether Weg (Mitte)
Bergmann & Söhne
Bullendorf, Feuerwehrhaus
Blumen & Gestaltung Sudeck
Bevern, Am Gehölz
Bf. Elmshorn (ZOB)
Bob's Teeregal
Barmstedt, Chemnitzstraße
Berufliche Schule Elmshorn, Europaschule
Barmstedt, Gymnasium
Bf. Elmshorn (Holstenplatz)
BÜ 27 "Wrangelpromenade"
BÜ 29 "Grenzweg"
BÜ 28 "Gerlingweg"
Bevern, Holstein
B+K Wohnkultur u. Boge/Clasen 

The name values contain lots of different special characters like ', &, " and (). Some of the street names are quoted like BÜ 27 "Wrangelpromenade". The raw xml data for the latter example is given below.

 <node id="1239947780" lat="53.7679521" lon="9.6554377" version="5" timestamp="2019-01-18T09:46:14Z" changeset="66420457" uid="677977" user="peter_elveshorn">
    <tag k="crossing:barrier" v="no"/>
    <tag k="name" v="BÜ 27 &quot;Wrangelpromenade&quot;"/>
    <tag k="railway" v="level_crossing"/>
    <tag k="source" v="Bing"/> 

Python correctly interprets html meta characters and translates &quot; to ". This value is later exported into a csv file as:

1239947780,name,"BÜ 27 ""Wrangelpromenade""",regular.

Double quotes are used by default to escape meta characters by the python csv module. The subsequent SQL import works also perfectly fine as we'll see later. The other meta characters like &gt;, &lt; and &amp; are translated correctly as well.

Websites by default contain special characters like : or /. A quick glance at the html links reveals that the links are given in different formats as the following list demonstrates.

Some http links omit the http:// part. Some use secure https some not. Many websites use www, others not. And some links even integrate http queries. But the most important question is still not answered. Does the link still work or is it broken, has the url moved elsewhere or is it insecure?

I decided to clarify these questions and refer to chapter Clean weblinks where we will discuss weblinks in detail.

With telephone number there is an almost similar issue. The numbers are given in many different formats as can be seen in the list below.

Telephone numbers showing different formats:

+49 4122-9994713
+49 4121 91213
+49 41212611779
+49 (4123) 92 17 93
+49 4121 643-0
+49 4123 9290577;+49 4123 9222240

Some numbers divide country code and area codes by white spaces others by / or -. And sometimes the phone number doesn't contain any delimiters at all as you can see in the last number of the above list. Often the local code is given in parenthesis as this is widely used in Germany. It also happens that the phone value contains more than one number. In that case the numbers are separated by ;. Open street map allows this behavior as stated on OSM Key:phone wiki (see Parsing phone numbers).

The cleaning of the phone numbers is described in chapter Clean phone numbers

As we have seen above addresses can be found in the regular keys ref or name referring to bus stops, street cabinets, post boxes and railway items. Generally the key addr:... is used to hold address data like street names, post codes, city, country, house number, etc.

I checked street and postcode keys for abbreviations and problematic characters. There are 858 street names and 12 valid post codes in the node and way tags. There is not a single abbreviation for Straße (street) within the values. The address data looks actually pretty clean.

Audit way nodes references

There is no way w/o node references in the data set. All types are okay. 596 ways reference to 6044 nodes which aren't in the data set. These way nodes are outside our investigated region (bounding box). The function write_dummy_nodes (from is used to create 6044 dummy nodes written to a csv file which we'll import to our SQL database later. The nodes are written to the file dummy_nodes.csv. In addition a node tag for all dummy nodes is written to dummy_nodes_tags.csv containing a note key to explain why this node has been created. The uid is set to -1 and the user to 'dummy'. The coordinates are set to 0.0/0.0 (lon/lat).

First 4 rows of dummy_nodes.csv:


First 4 rows of dummy_nodes_tags.csv:

4826498152,note,Way ref dummy node outside bounding box,regular
1763012935,note,Way ref dummy node outside bounding box,regular
3823956308,note,Way ref dummy node outside bounding box,regular

Back to table of content.

Cleaning operations

This chapter will document the cleaning process of weblinks and phone numbers.

Clean weblinks (including nodes, ways and relations)

We'll identify weblinks in the OSM data set, standardize the weblink format and check if the weblink is valid/ working. On request a JSON file is written which provides a look-up table mapping the current to the corrected weblinks.

The OSM wiki for website tags provides information and recommendations for the use of website keys. A major principle is "Use as short a URL as possible". All weblinks should also conform with RFC1738. I use the URL schema found on Wikipedia (URL encoding) to show the different parts of a weblink.

URL schema:

                        https://maxmuster:[email protected]:8080/index.html?p1=A&p2=B#ressource
                        \___/   \_______/ \____/ \_____________/ \__/\_________/ \_______/ \_______/
                          |         |       |           |         |       |          |         |
                        schema     user  passphrase   host       port    path      query    fragment

The following general steps are performed to clean the weblinks:

  • If possible use secure weblink (https)
  • Generally user/ password data shouldn't be part of a OSM website
  • OSM recommends to omit www to shorten the link
  • Providing the host part only is the most robust and long lasting usage
  • Port is optional
  • The path is also optional. If the path is broken/ doesn't work the weblink will be shortened to the host part
  • Queries should be omitted. I'll keep them if they work

Identify weblinks

According OSM weblinks can be found in website, url, image and wikipedia keys. I parse the tag keys of the OSM data to check the number of weblinks we find per key. In addition the found link is checked if it is a prober weblink. The python script contain the necessary functions to perform these tasks.

weblinks, badlinks = weblinks_by_key(osm_file)
Found weblinks in:
  website: 322
  wikipedia: 64
  brand:wikipedia: 39
  url: 12
  contact:website: 167
  image: 11
  subject:wikipedia: 3
  related:wikipedia: 2
  removed:website: 1

Found bad links in:
  wikipedia: 64
  brand:wikipedia: 39
  subject:wikipedia: 3
  related:wikipedia: 2

The wikipedia keys don't contain proper weblinks as we can see in the following output,

for i in range(10):
de:Kreis Pinneberg
de:Flugplatz Ahrenlohe
de:Eiche von Barmstedt
de:Nikolaikirche (Elmshorn)
de:Hans Hachmann
de:Uetersener Wasserturm

but image keys do:

for i in range(10):

website, contact:website, removed:website, url and image keys contain weblinks. But are there any other keys containing weblinks? I will check other keys for weblinks using the weblinks_by_value function.

weblinks_val = weblinks_by_value(osm_file)
Found weblinks:
  website: 322
  openGeoDB:version: 6
  email: 61
  url: 12
  note:de: 10
  contact:website: 167
  source: 40
  contact:email: 20
  name: 1
  contact:facebook: 2
  image: 11
  internet_access:ssid: 1
  removed:website: 1
  operator: 1
  note: 1
  network: 12

openGeoDB:version, network, operator and name do not contain proper links. The others do, like the key source as can be seen in the example below.


I also don't consider emails so we end up with the following keys containing weblinks:

  • website
  • url
  • image
  • removed:website
  • contact:website
  • source
  • contact:facebook
  • internet_access:ssid
  • note

How to identify a weblink

You might have asked yourself "how does he identify weblinks properly?". Well, this is done by defining the following regular expression:

regex_weblink = re.compile(r'^(https?://)?(www\.)?(.*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6})($|/{1}.*)$')

This regex identifies the schema, host, www and path part of an URL and splits the link into these four parts if existent. Let's consider a small example. Imagine we had the following url:

Matching and grouping our regex would result in:

match = regex_weblink.match('')
for group in match.groups():

Update weblinks

The function check_url is used to check and if necessary to update the URL. On request a look-up table can be written to a JSON file for mapping the current (old) URL with the updated (new) one.

Invoking this function updates the URLs and shows the follows statistics:

lut, stats = weblink.check_url(osm_file, output=True, JSON_out='weblink_lut.all_d200923.1.JSON')
Nbr insecure urls:  old/ 260   new/ 164
Nbr secure urls:    old/ 169   new/ 282
Nbr missing schemes:   17
Nbr modified links:     7
Nbr broken links:      63
Ndr of doublicates:    40

In the current OSM file there are 260 insecure (http) and 169 secure (https) links. After the update we have 164 insecure and 282 secure links. 17 links without schema are updated. 7 broken links could be fixed by updating the URL path. There are still 63 broken/ defect links in the data set. 40 links are duplicates. An example of the performed update is given below.

The weblink does not work. The function check_url updated the link by exchanging http by https and by removing filiale-elmshorn/ from the URL path. In addition www is removed. The resulting link's now working:


  • Invoking this function on the complete OSM data set is pretty time consuming (~10 minutes) as the function invokes several hundred webpages
  • The results might not be exactly reproduceable as the validity of a page might have changed in the meantime
  • For this study the file weblink_lut.all_d200923.1.JSON is used to incorporate the weblink updates

How do we check a weblink

The URL check is performed by the requests module. The short function that performs the job is shown below. It's part of the wrangle helper functions defined in I've chosen the request type head to avoid loading the complete page content. Shorter timeouts than 4s increase the number of invalid URLs. It's important to allow redirection. Many (if not most) pages incorporate the www term in the host part of the URL which we've deleted to comply with the OSM recommendations.

import requests
def check_weblink(link):
        r = requests.head(link, timeout=4, allow_redirects=True)        
        return False    
    return r.status_code ==

Would be nice to know if there is an even easier and faster way to perform the URL checks. If you have any suggestions leave a comment an github, please.

Clean phone numbers

General information

The OSM wiki for phone keys provides information how phone numbers should look like in OSM data. Generally the phone number should comply with the international standard given in ITU-T E.164 and should look like +<country code> <area code> <local number>. The image below provides some details refgarding the ITU standard.


Schema of phone numbers in acc. to ITU-T E.164

German area codes have been downloaded from "Bundesnetzagentur" as csv file (NVONB.INTERNET.20200916.ONB.csv). In addition German mobile codes have been extracted from Wikipedia and appended manually to this file. These are codes are used to extract area codes from the OSM file and to check validity of the data.

For auditing phone numbers we will consult the following keys:

  • phone
  • phone2
  • fax
  • contact:phone
  • contact:fax
  • communication:mobile

I dismiss emergency codes in e.g. regular:emergency_telephone_code as these do not comply with ITU standard anyway.

The results of the phone updates

The python script is used to audit and update phone numbers. Simply invoking audit_phone will perform the audits and updates. Below you can find some statistics and important details.

phnbr, problm, special, areas = audit_phone(osm_file, output=True)
Nbr of phone numbers: 255
Nbr of unique area codes: 15
Nbr of numbers containing non-digit characters: 22
Nbr of problematic numbers (after cleaning): 0
Problematic numbers:

There are 255 phone numbers in 15 unique area codes in the OSM file. 22 phone numbers did contail special characters. There is no number that couldn't be updated to ITU standard.

Found area codes:

Number of found area codes:  15
Area codes:
Area code:    151, area name: Deutsche Telekom (GSM/UMTS)
Area code:    152, area name: Vodafone D2 (GSM/UMTS)
Area code:    162, area name: Vodafone D2 (GSM/UMTS)
Area code:    176, area name: o2 Germany (GSM/UMTS)
Area code:    178, area name: E-Plus (merging into o2 Germany) (GSM/UMTS)
Area code:     32, area name: National subscriber numbers
Area code:     40, area name: Hamburg
Area code:   4101, area name: Pinneberg
Area code:   4120, area name: Ellerhoop
Area code:   4121, area name: Elmshorn
Area code:   4122, area name: Uetersen
Area code:   4123, area name: Barmstedt
Area code:   4126, area name: Horst Holstein
Area code:   4821, area name: Itzehoe
Area code:   4922, area name: Borkum

5 area codes are mobile phone codes. There is also a special code for national subscriber numbers. The remaining 9 codes are actual area codes.

Some phone numbers initially containing special characters:

+49 4122 7107-70
+49 (4123) 92 17 93
+49 4121 645-274
+49 4122-9994713
+49 4121 4092-0
+49 (4123) 68 40 24
+49 (4123) 68 400
+49 4121 643-0
+49 4121 57998-0
+49 4123 9290577;+49 4123 9222240

Below you can find an extract of the updated phone numbers:

Updated phone numbers (before, after):
('+49 4122-9994713', '+49 4122 9994713')
('+49 4122 7058', '+49 4122 7058')
('+494122402132', '+49 4122 402132')
('+49 4122 41776', '+49 4122 41776')
('+49 4122 90421170', '+49 4122 90421170')
('+49 4123 9369644', '+49 4123 9369644')
('+4932221391378', '+49 32 221391378')
('+49412244365', '+49 4122 44365')
('+49 4121 103 83 30', '+49 4121 1038330')
('+49 4121 750205', '+49 4121 750205')

Even multiple numbers are treated correctly:

('+49 4123 9290577;+49 4123 9222240', '+49 4123 9290577;+49 4123 9222240')

OK, there is actually no update necessary as theses numbers are already ITU conform.

Some code explanation

The function update_phone does the actual job of cleaning phone numbers. The tricky part in updating phone numbers is the identification of the area code as area codes in Germany have different length varying from 2 to 5 digits. The above mentioned csv file NVONB.INTERNET.20200916.ONB.csv containing all valid German area codes is used to identify the the area code within the number. This file is loaded and stored as dict area_codes. After stripping off the country code the remaining number consists of the area and the subscriber part. The code below is the actual engine to extract the area code.

# Extract area code from number
code_found = False
for i in range(2,6):        # Area code consists of 2 to 5 digits
    area = number[:i]       # area equals first i digits of number
    # Iterate over area codes of length i and compare to area extracted from number
    for code in (x for x in area_codes.keys() if len(x) == i):
        if area == code:
            code_found = True
            subscriber = number.replace(area, '')  # Remaining string of number is subscriber part
    if code_found == True: break
# Return False if no area code found
if code_found == False:
    return False

This loop iterates over an area code (area) length between 2 and 5 digits. In the first run of the loop it assumes the area code to be of i=2 digits length and compares the code with the valid codes of length i=2 in the dict area_codes. If area is found in area_codes the remaining part of number is the subscriber part and the job is done. If area is not found the next iteration starts. The area code is assumed to be i=3 digits and the new area is compared to all valid area_codes of length i=3. This procedure is repeated until a valid area code is found. Otherwise the function will return False.

Back to table of content.

SQL Database

Database creation

The database schema used to create the SQL database (osm.db) can be seen below. The script is used create the database structure from OSM raw data and to validate and export each table (shown in the schema below) to a csv file. Subsequently the csv files are imported to the database. In addition the dummy nodes in dummy_nodes.csv and dummy_nodes_tags.csv mentioned in Audit way nodes references are imported to the tables nodes and nodes_tags.

The database is schema looks like:

    lat REAL,
    lon REAL,
    user TEXT,
    uid INTEGER,
    version INTEGER,
    changeset INTEGER,
    timestamp TEXT

CREATE TABLE nodes_tags (
    id INTEGER,
    key TEXT,
    value TEXT,
    type TEXT,
    FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES nodes(id)

    user TEXT,
    uid INTEGER,
    version INTEGER,
    changeset INTEGER,
    timestamp TEXT

CREATE TABLE ways_tags (
    key TEXT NOT NULL,
    value TEXT NOT NULL,
    type TEXT,
    FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES ways(id)

CREATE TABLE ways_nodes (
    node_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    position INTEGER NOT NULL,
    FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES ways(id),
    FOREIGN KEY (node_id) REFERENCES nodes(id)

Database queries

First I'd like to perform some spot-checks to see if special characters we've encountered in auditing the OSM raw data have been properly transferred to the database.

Problematic characters in tags

Node 1239947780 showed the following tag:

    <tag k="name" v="BÜ 27 &quot;Wrangelpromenade&quot;"/>

This is transferred to:

SELECT * FROM nodes_tags
WHERE id=1239947780 AND key='name';

id        | key | value                   | type
1239947780| name| BÜ 27 "Wrangelpromenade"| regular

Node id 240036785 shows the following tag:

    <tag k="name:ru" v="Эльмсхорн"/>

This is correctly transferred to:

SELECT * FROM nodes_tags
WHERE id=240036785 AND key='ru';

id       | key| value    | type
240036785| ru | Эльмсхорн| name
Problematic user names
SELECT DISTINCT user, uid from nodes
WHERE user LIKE '%@%'
SELECT DISTINCT user, uid from ways
WHERE user REGEXP '[<>]';

user    | uid
nit@bse | 1041363
@mmanuel| 6526984
<don>   | 45059

That looks all pretty well. We'll continue with some database queries.

Database statistics

File sizes

In the table below you can find a summary of file sizes for the various files used:

File name type size in Mb
osm.db SQL database 37
GE_SH_PI_elmshorn_uetersen.osm OSM raw/ xml file 65
ways.csv csv file 3
nodes.csv csv file 20
ways_tags.csv csv file 6
nodes_tags.csv csv file 2
ways_nodes.csv csv file 8
Number of unique users
SELECT count(*) unique_users FROM (
SELECT uid, user FROM nodes n
WHERE uid > 0
SELECT uid, user FROM ways w
WHERE uid > 0 )


There are 570 unique users in the database. Please bear in mind that we added dummy nodes to the database using dummy user with uid=-1. I will ignore the the dummy user, dummy nodes and dummy changeset for the following queries.

Count number of nodes and ways (excluding dummy nodes)
SELECT type, number FROM (
SELECT 'NODES' type, count(*) number FROM nodes
WHERE uid>0
SELECT 'WAYS' type, count(*) number FROM ways);

type | number
NODES| 252825
WAYS | 51297

These are the exact numbers we've already seen in Auditing OSM raw data.

Further queries

I'd like to see which user contributed the most to our investigated region. The following query shows the users changing the most elements (ways + nodes) and the number of performed changesets. The output is limited to the top ten contributers.

SELECT cs.uid, cs.user, count(*) nbr_changesets, sum(elements) FROM    
(SELECT elms.changeset, elms.uid, elms.user, count(*) elements FROM
(SELECT 'NODE' type, id, uid, user, version, changeset, timestamp FROM nodes
WHERE changeset > 0
SELECT 'WAY' type, id, uid, user, version, changeset, timestamp FROM ways
WHERE changeset > 0) elms
GROUP BY changeset) cs

uid    | user       | nbr_changesets| sum(elements)
66904  | OSchlüter  | 674           | 135820
1205786| westnordost| 477           | 48710
1140155| Velorep    | 703           | 23412
28234  | derandi    | 204           | 10111
2969228| Críostaí   | 112           | 7369
22646  | GeoMagician| 106           | 6684
75623  | KTim       | 282           | 5753
40397  | Zartbitter | 54            | 4159
617520 | sundew     | 69            | 3832
63375  | Divjo      | 38            | 3516

I'm actually not content with the used database schema. The user and uid as well as the changeset can be found in the nodes and way tables. Also the tags could be combined to a single table. As I don't want to change the initial schema of our database I introduce a few views to make life more convenient.

    SELECT uid,
      FROM nodes
    SELECT uid,
      FROM ways;

CREATE VIEW vw_tags (
    SELECT 'NODE' element,
      FROM nodes_tags
    SELECT 'WAY' element,
      FROM ways_tags;

Above you can see the definition of the views vw_tags and vw_users. I also created the views: vw_changesets, vw_nodes, vw_ways. The following queries will use these views.

I'd like to know the number of cafes in our region. The query below shows the element id, the name of the cafe as well as the city.

SELECT c.element,,, FROM ( 
SELECT element, id FROM vw_tags
WHERE key = 'amenity' AND value = 'cafe') c
SELECT element, id, value name FROM vw_tags
WHERE key='name') n
ON AND c.element=n.element
SELECT element, id, value city FROM vw_tags
WHERE key='city') cy
ON AND c.element=cy.element
ORDER BY c.element, 

element id          name                           city
NODE    249752019   Café Langes Mühle              Uetersen
NODE    270632008   Tommy's Eisbar                 Uetersen
NODE    281690707   Café Galerie Schlossgefängnis  Barmstedt
NODE    288893273   Uhlenhoff                      Kölln-Reisiek
NODE    291902956   Rosenhof Kruse	
NODE    308946646   Die Pause	
NODE    385287257   Janny's Eis Cafe	
NODE    416915099   Café Kruschat                  Elmshorn
NODE    416977988   Eis Cafe Südpol	
NODE    417459219   Eis Boutique	
NODE    490524213   	
NODE    1039130935  Jim Coffey	
NODE    1039131878  Diakonie-Cafe	
NODE    1039132160  Café Lykke	
NODE    1039237440  Eis Cafe Vittoria	
NODE    1314106748  Dielen-Café	
NODE    1314106802  Hof-Café	
NODE    2384582960  Keiser Eis	
NODE    2384613411  Bäckerei Eggers	
NODE    2833206591  Eiscafé Südpol                 Barmstedt
NODE    2928174245  In Aller Munde	
NODE    2938199403  Ice Cafe Vittoria	
NODE    2944574838  	
NODE    2954932162  Conny's	
NODE    2954932182  Juli	
NODE    2955746486  Cafe el Pasha	
NODE    2955746531  Smokey's Shisha Bar	
NODE    2955746532  Stadt Cafe	
NODE    2955756272  Buongiorno Caffe               Elmshorn
NODE    3669263093  Cafeteria (LMG)	
NODE    3669340850  Presse Café                    Uetersen
NODE    3677249172  Café Ambiente	
NODE    3817744150  Klinikcafe	
NODE    3895894037  Kaffee Klatsch                 Barmstedt
NODE    6651534704  Kolls	
NODE    7202870052  Cafe Billy's Morgenduft	
WAY     117856213   Monroe's                       Elmshorn
WAY     511329270   Plantenhoff Cafe               Groß Nordende

There are 38 cafe in our region. 2 of them do not have a name :(.

There are some more queries you can find in db_queries.sql. Before we now come to our last query I'd like to sum up our findings and suggest some improvements to the database.


After auditing, updating and querying our OSM data I think there is a lot of data missing. There are only 31 doctor, 38 cafes and 25 banks recorded. As we've seen above the address data for more than 50% of the cafes is missing. The data also doesn't seem to be up to date as 63 from about 500 weblinks are broken. Many of them initially using http instead of https. Maybe the focus is more on traffic items as I've also found more than 700 parking lots.

The currently used database schema isn't the best. Incorporation of a user and changeset table would solve the issue of having users and changesets distributed over different tables. The incorporated views are just a temporary solution. Queries would be much faster if we had actual tables instead of views.

And there is also the issue with redundant places for information. Searching for specific items could become difficult when information is available at different places. We've seen this for phone numbers for example which can be found in numerus different keys like phone, phone2, contact:phone and communication:mobile. Being more restrictive could improve this situation but could also discourage users to contribute to OSM.

None the less, working with this data has been a lot of fun. That's why I'd like to conclude with the following, interesting and a bit nesty query. We corrected phone numbers in Clean phone numbers. Well, I'm keen to know how often each area codes is used. That means we need to extract the area code from the phone number and count the occurrences. This is now possible because of our cleaning operation as the numbers are conform to ITU-T E.164. This task is done by the query below.

SELECT c.area_code, count(*) frequency FROM
(SELECT *, substr(res, 1, end-1) area_code FROM
(SELECT *, instr(res, ' ') end FROM
(SELECT *, substr(value, pos+1) res FROM
(SELECT *, instr(value, ' ') pos FROM vw_tags
WHERE key IN ('phone', 'phone2', 'fax', 'fax', 'mobile') AND
type IN ('contact', 'communication', 'regular'))))) c
GROUP BY c.area_code
ORDER BY frequency DESC

area_code  frequency
4121       155
4122       43
4123       33
4126       6
4101       4
40         3
4120       3
151        1
152        1
162        1
176        1
178        1
32         1
4821       1
4922       1

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List of references

The following list shows the consulted references and websites.
This weblink is used to extract the OSM raw data.
This OSM wiki page provides information and recommendations regarding the usage of website tags.
URL encoding described on Wikipedia.
RFC1738 - Uniform Resource Locators (URL)
This OSM wiki page provides information and recommendations regarding the usage of phone tags.
Wikipedia resource providing information about German area codes for telefone numbers.
German official resource from Bundesnetzagentur for phone numbers and area codes. The csv file downloaded from this page is NVONB.INTERNET.20200916.ONB.csv (see List of files). There are regular updates on this page so that the current csv might not be the same.

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List of files

The following list shows python scripts used to assess and clean the OSM raw data. In addition files containing data (csv, JSON) created during auditing and cleaning are mentioned as well. The python scripts can be found in the sub-directory ./scripts/, data files in the sub-directory ./data/.

XML file containing the Open Street Map (OSM) raw data.

Reduced OSM data set for test purposes.
This script provides helping functions used throughout this investigation. The script is not intended to be run separately.
This script provides some functions to count the tags within the OSM xml file and to count the sub-tags included in node, way and relation tags.
This script is used to audit all node fields. Each field has it's own auditing function. The fields uid and user as well as version and changeset are assessed within a single function.
This script is used to audit all way attributes and node references. Each attribute has it's own auditing function. The attribute uid and user as well as version and changeset are assessed within a single function.
This script is used to audit node and way tags. It provides functions to audit the keys and the values of node tags. It also provides a function to check street names, post codes and country codes.

This file contains dummy nodes which are referenced by way node references. These nodes are missing in the current OSM data set as they are outside the investigated region.

This file contains dummy node tags for nodes outside the investigated region. A note tag is used to explain why these nodes (see dummy_nodes.csv) have been created.
This script is used to identify weblinks in the OSM data set, standardize the weblink format and check if the weblink is valid/ working. On request a JSON file is written which provides a look-up table mapping the current to the corrected weblinks.

This file contains the mapping of the current URLs to the updates ones. It serves as a look-up table when writing the OSM data to csv files.

This file contains German area codes extracted from Bundesnetzagentur on 24.9.2020. At the end of the official list some mobile codes are appended manually.
Validation schema used by cerberus module
This python script is used to create the SQL database structure, extract the OSM raw data, perform cleaning operations for weblinks and phone numbers, validate the data and export the data/ tables to csv files.

Further SQL queries performed on osm.db

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Explore OSM raw data for educational purpose






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