This is a simple Hello world application which prints the string "Hello World !!!" continuously on the serial terminal.
- PIC24FJ1024GB610 microcontroller (
- MPLAB® X IDE v5.35 or newer (
- MPLAB® XC16 v1.50 or newer (
- Any of the serial terminal application. Example: Tera Term (
- Explorer 16/32 Development Board (
- PIC24FJ1024GB610 PIM (
- Micro USB Cable
- Make sure J37 and J38 jumpers are installed.
- Connect the Micro USB Cable to the serial connector(J40) in the Explorer 16/32 Development Board.
Build the Project and program the device. Once the application code is flashed on to the device, open the serial terminal application and configure the baudrate to 9600 , No parity , 8 Data bits and 1 Stop bit and no flow control. Users will see the string "Hello World !!!" being continuously printed on the serial terminal.