⚠ Important Note
This repository contains a pre-release version of DevExpress demo applications for the .NET Core 3 platform.
Please visit https://www.devexpress.com/dotnet-core-3/ to download the most recent version of the DevExpress .NET Core 3 installer (contains shipping versions of all DevExpress .NET Core 3 demos).
This repository contains the DevExpress demo applications that target .Net Core 3:
- Outlook-Inspired App
- Hybrid App
- Mail Client
- Realtor World
Install the following software to build and run the demo applications:
Visual Studio 2019 v16.3 (or later) with the .NET desktop development workload installed
Clone the repository to a working folder, navigate to './src'.
Open a solution in Visual Studio.
You need the DevExpress NuGet packages to build and run these demos. Follow the steps below to add the packages to a solution:
In Visual Studio, go to Tools | NuGet Package Manager | Manage NuGet Packages for Solution
Open "Settings"...
... and add a new NuGet feed with the following credentials:
Name: DevExpress
Source:https://nuget.devexpress.com/{your feed authorization key}/api
Select the DevExpress package source.
In the "Browse" tab, search for the 'WindowsDesktop.Wpf' keyword and install the DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf and DevExpress.WindowsDesktop.Wpf.Themes.All packages for the current project. Read and accept the license agreement.
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Developer Express Inc. All rights reserved.