This is an example of creating a platform agnostic serverless function. The instructions below are meant to be performed in the CLI on your platform and not necessarily in visual studio.
Working deployment targets:
- AWS Lambda
- Azure Functions
- Install .NET SDK:
- dotnet add package Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions --version 1.0.23
- Install npm:
- npm install -g serverless
- Sign up for Amazon AWS
- Install AWS CLI:
- Set up AWS Credentials:
- ./build.cmd aws
- serverless invoke -f hello
- serverless logs --function hello
- Sign up for Azure Functions (you need an active Azure Functions subscription)
- Install Azure Functions Core Tools: npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools@core
- Install Azure CLI:
- Set up Azure Credentials: Note that the Client ID is the "name" attribute (ex "http://azure-cli-2018...")
- (skip) dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools
- (skip) npm i --save serverless-azure-functions (not currently functioning see open bug: serverless/serverless-azure-functions#45)
- az group create --name AgnosticHello-rg --location "Central US"
- az storage account create --name agnostichellostorage --location centralus --resource-group AgnosticHello-rg --sku Standard_LRS
- az functionapp create --resource-group AgnosticHello-rg --consumption-plan-location centralus --name AgnosticHello --storage-account agnostichellostorage --runtime dotnet
- ./build.cmd azure