Tool for extraction of stylometric features from Java projects based on JavaParser.
Results can be saved in .csv format.
- Visual representation of ASTs of methods in xml-format;
- Methods, number of:
- methods, characters, lines, parameters, lambdas
- Variables, number of:
- local variables
- fields
- private fields
- public fields
- length of fields' names
- length of variables' names
- Number of classes, interfaces, inner-classes
- Number of keywords:
- for, while, if, else, else-if, ternary operators, break, continue, null
- Number of constants:
- int, String, char
- Number of comments:
- JavaDoc, line comments, block comments
- Layout, number of:
- Lines, empty lines, tabs, spaces, total length of file
- Layout features:
- Punctuation before '{' brace
- Tabs or spaces in the beginning of lines
- Ast-based:
- Maximal depth
- Average depth of vertices by type
- TF of vertices by type