mlr 2.17.0
argument had no effect inplotFilterValues()
. Thanks @albersonmiranda. (#2689)
Functional Data
PR: #2638 (@pfistl)
Added several learners for regression and classification on functional data
- classif.classiFunc.(kernel|knn) (knn/kernel using various semi-metrics)
- (classif|regr).fgam (Functional generalized additive models)
- (classif|regr).FDboost (Boosted functional generalized additive models)
Added preprocessing steps for feature extraction from functional data
- extractFDAFourier (Fourier transform)
- extractFDAWavelets (Wavelet features)
- extractFDAFPCA (Principal components)
- extractFDATsfeatures (Time-Series features from tsfeatures package)
- extractFDADTWKernel (Dynamic Time-Warping Kernel)
- extractFDAMultiResFeatures (Compute features at multiple resolutions)
Fixed a bug where multiclass to binaryclass reduction techniques did not work
with functional data. -
Several other minor bug fixes and code improvements
Extended and clarified documentation for several fda components.
learners - general
- xgboost: added options 'auto', 'approx' and 'gpu_hist' to param
(@albersonmiranda, #2701)
filters - general
- Allow a custom threholding function to be passed to filterFeatures and makeFilterWrapper (@annette987, #2686)
- Allow ensemble filters to include multiple base filters of the same type (@annette987, #2688)
filters - bugfixes
: Argthresh
was not working correctly when applied to ensemble filters. (@annette987, #2699)- Fixed incorrect ranking of ensemble filters. Thanks @annette987 (#2698)