Checks ts and tsx fils
npm install -g naive-ts-code-quality-check
# print stats in a `src` folder
> ntcqc
# print stats from a specific folder
> ntcqc -p folder/src
# print stats from a fancy header
> ntcqc -p folder/src -t CustomHeader
> npx naive-ts-code-quality-check@latest -p project/folder/src
---------- Summary ------------
All Issues : 294
Issues Per Line : 0.444 %
SLOC : 66 225
Name Occurance Files Per Souce Line of Code %
----------- --------- ----- ------------------------
tsIgnore 113 113 0.171 %
any 38 38 0.057 %
asAny 8 8 0.012 %
orUndefined 135 135 0.204 %
check for 4 types of greppable possible issiues
Issue Type | Description |
tsIgnore | // @ts-ignore usage should be avoided |
any | let a: any usage should ba avoided |
asAny | let a = a() as any as SomeInterface |
orUndefined | private user: User | undefind |
You can always check exact greps in source:
tsIgnore: grep("@ts-ignore"),
any: grep(": any"),
asAny: grep("as any"),
orUndefind: grep("| undefined")
> naive-ts-code-quality-check -h
Usage: naive-ts-code-quality-check [options]
-p, --path path to analyze
-t, --title Title name to use
-d, --details report stats of each analyzed file
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
naive-ts-code-quality-check check default folder stats
naive-ts-code-quality-check -p check folder project/src
install this package global
yarn global add "file:$PWD"
# dev
nodemon src/index.ts
# check cli
yarn build && node ./lib/index.js -p src/test
yarn build && node ./lib/index.js -p src/test --details
# profile
yarn build && DEBUG="*" node lib/index.js