This is a template repository for those who want to develop RTL based on rocket-chip and even chipyard, being able to edit all sources from chisel environments without publish them to local ivy.
You can add your own submodule in
For more information please visit Mill documentation
after adding your own code, you can add your library to playground dependency, and re-index Intellij to add your own library.
To use this repo as your Chisel development environment, simply follow the steps.
Ubuntu 20.04 packages needed:
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk device-tree-compiler verilator gtkwave
Download firtool
from release, unzip and add to PATH.
$ export PATH=<firtool-download-path>/circt-full-shared-linux-x64/firtol-1.56.1/bin:$PATH
Clone the code
$ git clone
$ cd playground
$ git submodule update --init
You should now have a working chisel development environment that can generate verilog.
$ make rtl
The above command should generate verilog code for Rocketchip with freechips.rocketchip.system.DefaultConfig
in the path ./out/playground/verilog.dest
cd playground # entry your project directory
// Original
object playground extends CommonModule {
override def moduleDeps = super.moduleDeps ++ Seq(myrocketchip, inclusivecache, blocks, rocketdsputils, shells, firesim, boom, chipyard, chipyard.fpga, chipyard.utilities, mychiseltest)
// Remove unused dependences, e.g.,
object playground extends CommonModule {
override def moduleDeps = super.moduleDeps ++ Seq(mychiseltest)
For mill use
./mill mill.bsp.BSP/install
then open by your favorite IDE, which supports BSP
Building Chisel and FIRRTL from sources, get rid of any version issue. You can view Chisel/FIRRTL source codes from IDEA.- No more make+sbt: Scala dependencies are managed by mill -> bsp -> IDEA, minimal IDEA indexing time.
- flatten git submodule in dependency, get rid of submodule recursive update.
So generally, this repo is the fast and cleanest way to start your Chisel project codebase.