- Make sure that NodeJS is installed
- From the CLI, in the project directory, run
npm install
- Choose option four when given the prompt "Unable to find a suitable version for angular, please choose one:"
*) Inside PyCharm, set up a NodeJS configuration * Add the Node.js server at server/server.js to the "JavaScript file" field. * Add an environment variable to your Node.js configuration with name "MONGOLAB_URI". The value is the standard URI from your mongolab.com project page under "To connect using a driver via the standard URI." It looks like this: mongodb://:@ds033632.mongolab.com:62234/my_project * In the MONGOLAB_URI, replace dbuser and dbpassword with your mongolab user password.
Then navigate your browser to http://localhost:<port>/
to see the app running in
your browser.
- Create a Heroku account
- Create a MongoLab account ** In the server/server.js, replace and with the MongoLab username and password, respectively
- Create a Heroku app from the CLI (under the project directory) ** heroku create [NAME]
- git push heroku master
This project is an application skeleton for your address book Web app. It uses the Bower package manager to handle front-end dependencies, Node's package manager to handle back-end dependencies, with AngularJS/NodeJS handling app logic.
The seed app shows how to wire together Angular client-side components with Express on the server. It also illustrates writing angular partials/views with the Jade templating library.
Note: Although Jade supports interpolation, you should be doing that mostly on the client. Mixing server and browser templating will complicate your app. Instead, use Jade as a syntactic sugar for HTML, and let AngularJS take care of interpolation on the browser side.
- Create an empty repository at GitHub (maybe address-book)
- Open up your terminal
- Run the following commands
cd /tmp # make sure this is a directory that exists
git clone --bare [email protected]:DojoDevCamp/address-book-seed.git
cd address-book-seed.git
git push --mirror [email protected]:[GitHubUsername]/address-book.git # this will be different for you
cd ..
rm -rf address-book-seed.git
developer/ --> Should eventually house testing scripts/framework (e.g. Karma)
.gitkeep --> Allows this folder to be pushed to Git
app.css --> Project specific styles loaded after bootstrap
img/ --> Will eventually hold static images
.gitkeep --> Allows this folder to be pushed to Git
app.js --> AngularJS application configuration
constants.js --> AngularJS constant definitions
controllers.js --> AngularJS controller definitions
directives.js --> AngularJS directive definitions
filters.js --> AngularJS filter definitions
services.js --> AngularJS service definitions
addContact.jade --> Exposes form for adding a contact
contacts.jade --> Shows all the current contacts, not filtered by the current user logged in
index.jade --> Shows the home page, can act as a dashboard for a logged in user
login.jade --> Exposes a login page
register.jade --> Exposes a form to create a new contact
layout.jade --> This is the core layout for pages in this application
account.js --> Handles business logic for logging in, creating new accounts, etc.
contact.js --> Handles business logic for contacts
index.js --> Renders the various pages
account.js --> Account model that is persisted to MongoLab
contact.js --> Contact model that is persisted to MongoLab
account.js --> All routes for account-related REST calls
contact.js --> All routes for contact-related REST calls
index.js --> All other routes are defined here
auth.js --> Handles making sure a person is authenticated before a specific call is made
passport.js --> Plugin that handles authentication against MongoLab - it can also handle social media authentication
server.js --> NodeJS express framework initialized here with configuration, creates and starts the Web server
.bowerrc --> Configures bower to install components under public/lib
.gitignore --> Artifacts we do not want in our git repositories, switched based on where we are pushing changes
.slugignore --> Will tell Heroku what files/folders to ignore when deploying
bower.json --> Declares front-end dependencies, like angular and bootstrap
package.json --> Declares dev and prod dependencies, for prod it will install bower
Procfile --> File required by Heroku to launch your application
README.md --> This file
For more information on AngularJS please check out http://angularjs.org/ For more on Express and Jade, http://expressjs.com/ and http://jade-lang.com/ are your friends. If all else fails, please contact one of the instructors or your mentor