System API to integrate with AWS LakeFormation and search LakeFormation database and/or tables by lf tags
- Check out AWSGlueLakeFormationJavaClient from the following git location
- Run mvn clean install to build and publish it into your local/remote artifact repo
- Ensure you have the right version of AWSGlueLakeFormationJavaClient mentioned in pom.xml
- Run this as any other mule api
- Invoke the endpoint /lakeFormation/searchDatabaseByLFTags with the following query parameters
- awsAccessKey
- awsSecretKey
- lfTagKey
- lfTagValues
- Invoke the endpoint /lakeFormation/searchTablesByLFTags with the following query parameters
- awsAccessKey
- awsSecretKey
- lfTagKey
- lfTagValues