This module allows externalizing application properties using AWS Secrets Manager. This module retrieves the all secrets (at startup/first use) and caches them for subsequent re-use.
The module provides following ways to connect to AWS. They are not mutually exclusive (for example, Default provider chain and Assume Role can be used together)
- Use the default credentials Provider chain. This supports credentials in the following order
- Java System Properties (aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretAccessKey)
- System environment variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)
- Default Credentials file (normally in the user's home directory, but varies by platform)
- Instance profile credentials within the instance metadata associated with IAM role for EC2 instances (Preferred for Mule apps running on EC2)
- Basic Connection using AWS Access Key and Secret Key
- Assume IAM Role
This module will be used to override properties during deployment. This will work in tandem with
- properties placeholder
- secure properties placeholder
Clone the project to your local, change the groupId to point your orgId. Issue mvn deploy
Ensure that there is an entry in your settings.xml pertaining to Exchange2
For local install, give any groupId. Issue mvn clean install
Add this dependency to your application pom.xml
The secret name should be provided against which Mule will fetch keys from AWS Secrets Manager.
Regions are to be provided in plain text.
These should be provided as part of the wrapper.conf or during deployment. These can be provided through secure properties as well. Session Token is optional. The user needs to have access to use the Keys used for encrypting secrets
doc:name="AWS Secrets Manager Properties Override Config"
secretName="${}" />
region="us-east-1" accessKey="${aws.access.key}"
secretKey="${aws.secret.key}" />
Role ARN is required for Assuming an IAM role for Secrets Manager connection. This role also needs to have access to have access to use the Keys used for encrypting the secrets.
doc:name="AWS Secrets Manager Properties Override Config"
secretName="${}" />
region="us-east-1" accessKey="${aws.access.key}"
secretKey="${aws.secret.key}" />
roleARN="${aws.role.arn}" />
Used to set a VPC endpoint instead of the standard Region endpoint.
Set this field to true to obtain credentials from the AWS environment, See:
doc:name="AWS Secrets Manager Properties Override Config"
secretName="${}" />
<aws-secrets-manager-properties-override:advanced-connection useDefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain="true" />
- For all purposes the version has been set to AWSCURRENT directly in the code.
- The code can be changed to allow a user-based entry for this.
- For all purposes, this module relies on aws-secrets as the prefix.
- Any property provided as ${aws-secrets::} will be referenced from AWS Secrets Manager.
- There can be
number of secrets in AWS Secrets Manager. The best way to access a particular key${aws-secrets::key}
<db:config name="Database_Config"
doc:name="Database Config"
<db:my-sql-connection host=""
database="schema" />
Biswa Mohanty, Rahul Dureja, Srinivasan Raghunathan, Sai Parnandi, Sudhish Sikhamani