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Easily talk to an OAuth2 server for social functionality in Symfony


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OAuth / Social Integration for Symfony: KnpUOAuth2ClientBundle

Easily integrate with an OAuth2 server (e.g. Facebook, GitHub) for:

  • "Social" authentication / login
  • "Connect with Facebook" type of functionality
  • Fetching access keys via OAuth2 to be used with an API
  • Doing OAuth2 authentication with Symfony Custom Authenticator (or Guard Authenticator for legacy applications)

This bundle integrates with league/oauth2-client.

This Bundle or HWIOAuthBundle?

In addition to this bundle, another OAuth bundle exists for Symfony: hwi/oauth-bundle. You might be wondering "why are there two popular OAuth bundles?".

Great question! Generally speaking, hwi/oauth-bundle gives you more features out-of-the-box, including social authentication and registration (called "connect"). But, it's also a bit harder to install. The knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle, takes more work to setup, but gives you more low-level control.

Not sure which to use? If you need OAuth (social) authentication & registration, try hwi/oauth-bundle. If you don't like it, come back!


Install the bundle library via Composer by running the following command:

composer require knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle

If you're using Symfony Flex, the bundle will be automatically enabled. For older apps, enable it in your AppKernel class.

Awesome! Now, you'll want to configure a client.

Configuring a Client

You'll need to configure one client for each OAuth2 server (GitHub, Facebook, etc) that you want to talk to.

Step 1) Download the Client Library

Choose the one you want from this list and install it via Composer:

OAuth2 Provider How to Install
Amazon composer require luchianenco/oauth2-amazon
AppID composer require jampire/oauth2-appid
Apple composer require patrickbussmann/oauth2-apple
Auth0 composer require riskio/oauth2-auth0
Azure composer require thenetworg/oauth2-azure
Bitbucket composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-bitbucket
Box composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-box
Buddy composer require buddy-works/oauth2-client
Buffer composer require tgallice/oauth2-buffer
CanvasLMS composer require smtech/oauth2-canvaslms
Clever composer require schoolrunner/oauth2-clever
DevianArt composer require seinopsys/oauth2-deviantart
DigitalOcean composer require chrishemmings/oauth2-digitalocean
Discord composer require wohali/oauth2-discord-new
Disqus composer require antalaron/oauth2-disqus
Dribbble composer require crewlabs/oauth2-dribbble
Dropbox composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-dropbox
Drupal composer require chrishemmings/oauth2-drupal
Elance composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-elance
Eve Online composer require evelabs/oauth2-eveonline
Eventbrite composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-eventbrite
Facebook composer require league/oauth2-facebook
Fitbit composer require djchen/oauth2-fitbit
Foursquare composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-foursquare
FusionAuth composer require jerryhopper/oauth2-fusionauth
Geocaching composer require surfoo/oauth2-geocaching
GitHub composer require league/oauth2-github
GitLab composer require omines/oauth2-gitlab
Google composer require league/oauth2-google
HeadHunter composer require alexmasterov/oauth2-headhunter
Heroku composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-heroku
Instagram composer require league/oauth2-instagram
Jira composer require mrjoops/oauth2-jira
Keycloak composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-keycloak
LinkedIn composer require league/oauth2-linkedin
MailRu composer require aego/oauth2-mailru
Microsoft composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-microsoft
Mollie composer require mollie/oauth2-mollie-php
Odnoklassniki composer require aego/oauth2-odnoklassniki
Okta composer require foxworth42/oauth2-okta
Paypal composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-paypal
PSN composer require larabros/oauth2-psn
Salesforce composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-salesforce
Slack composer require adam-paterson/oauth2-slack
Spotify composer require kerox/oauth2-spotify
SymfonyConnect composer require qdequippe/oauth2-symfony-connect
Strava composer require edwin-luijten/oauth2-strava
Stripe composer require adam-paterson/oauth2-stripe
Twitch Deprecated composer require depotwarehouse/oauth2-twitch
Twitch Helix composer require vertisan/oauth2-twitch-helix
Uber composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-uber
Unsplash composer require hughbertd/oauth2-unsplash
Vimeo composer require saf33r/oauth2-vimeo
VKontakte composer require j4k/oauth2-vkontakte
Wave composer require qdequippe/oauth2-wave
Webflow composer require koalati/oauth2-webflow
Yahoo composer require hayageek/oauth2-yahoo
Yandex composer require aego/oauth2-yandex
Zendesk composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-zendesk
Generic configure any unsupported provider

Don't see a provider you need in this list? Please, check the full list of third-party provider clients from league/oauth2-client. Otherwise, consider creating a generic client yourself.

Step 2) Configure the Provider

Awesome! Now, you'll configure your provider. For Facebook, this will look something like this:

# config/packages/knpu_oauth2_client.yaml
        # the key "facebook_main" can be anything, it
        # will create a service: "knpu.oauth2.client.facebook_main"
            # this will be one of the supported types
            type: facebook
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_FACEBOOK_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_FACEBOOK_SECRET)%'
            # the route that you're redirected to after
            # see the controller example below
            redirect_route: connect_facebook_check
            redirect_params: {}
            graph_api_version: v2.12

Notice the two '%env(var)%'calls? Add these anywhere in your .env and .env.dist files. These are the credentials for the OAuth provider. For Facebook, you'll get these by registering your app on

# .env
# ...


See the full configuration for all the supported "types" in the Configuration section.

The type is facebook because we're connecting to Facebook. You can see all the supported type values below in the Configuration section.

Step 3) Use the Client Service

Each client you configured now has its own service that can be used to communicate with the OAuth2 server.

To start the OAuth process, you'll need to create a route and controller that redirects to Facebook. Because we used the key facebook_main above, you can simply:

namespace App\Controller;

use KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\ClientRegistry;
use League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Exception\IdentityProviderException;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class FacebookController extends AbstractController
     * Link to this controller to start the "connect" process
     * @Route("/connect/facebook", name="connect_facebook_start")
    public function connectAction(ClientRegistry $clientRegistry)
        // on Symfony 3.3 or lower, $clientRegistry = $this->get('knpu.oauth2.registry');

        // will redirect to Facebook!
        return $clientRegistry
            ->getClient('facebook_main') // key used in config/packages/knpu_oauth2_client.yaml
                'public_profile', 'email' // the scopes you want to access

     * After going to Facebook, you're redirected back here
     * because this is the "redirect_route" you configured
     * in config/packages/knpu_oauth2_client.yaml
     * @Route("/connect/facebook/check", name="connect_facebook_check")
    public function connectCheckAction(Request $request, ClientRegistry $clientRegistry)
        // ** if you want to *authenticate* the user, then
        // leave this method blank and create a Guard authenticator
        // (read below)

        /** @var \KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\FacebookClient $client */
        $client = $clientRegistry->getClient('facebook_main');

        try {
            // the exact class depends on which provider you're using
            /** @var \League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\FacebookUser $user */
            $user = $client->fetchUser();

            // do something with all this new power!
            // e.g. $name = $user->getFirstName();
            var_dump($user); die;
            // ...
        } catch (IdentityProviderException $e) {
            // something went wrong!
            // probably you should return the reason to the user
            var_dump($e->getMessage()); die;

Now, just go (or link to) /connect/facebook and watch the flow!

After completing the OAuth2 flow, the $client object can be used to fetch the user, the access token, or other things:

// get the user directly
$user = $client->fetchUser();

// OR: get the access token and then user
$accessToken = $client->getAccessToken();
$user = $client->fetchUserFromToken($accessToken);

// access the underlying "provider" from league/oauth2-client
$provider = $client->getOAuth2Provider();
// if you're using Facebook, then this works:
$longLivedToken = $provider->getLongLivedAccessToken($accessToken);

Authenticating with the new Symfony Authenticator

At this point, you now have a nice service that allows you to redirect your user to an OAuth server (e.g. Facebook) and fetch their access token and user information.

But often, you will want to actually authenticate that user: log them into your system. In that case, instead of putting all of the logic in connectCheckAction() as shown above, you'll leave that blank and create an authenticator which will hold similar logic.

Now you can use the new Symfony Authenticator system (available since Symfony 5.2, don't use it before this version) to login in your app. For legacy Symfony versions, use Guard Authenticator below.

Step 1) Using the new OAuth2Authenticator Class

namespace App\Security;

use App\Entity\User; // your user entity
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\ClientRegistry;
use KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Security\Authenticator\OAuth2Authenticator;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\TokenInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AuthenticationException;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authenticator\Passport\Badge\UserBadge;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authenticator\Passport\Passport;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authenticator\Passport\SelfValidatingPassport;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\EntryPoint\AuthenticationEntryPointInterface;

class MyFacebookAuthenticator extends OAuth2Authenticator implements AuthenticationEntrypointInterface
    private $clientRegistry;
    private $entityManager;
    private $router;

    public function __construct(ClientRegistry $clientRegistry, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, RouterInterface $router)
        $this->clientRegistry = $clientRegistry;
        $this->entityManager = $entityManager;
        $this->router = $router;

    public function supports(Request $request): ?bool
        // continue ONLY if the current ROUTE matches the check ROUTE
        return $request->attributes->get('_route') === 'connect_facebook_check';

    public function authenticate(Request $request): Passport
        $client = $this->clientRegistry->getClient('facebook_main');
        $accessToken = $this->fetchAccessToken($client);

        return new SelfValidatingPassport(
            new UserBadge($accessToken->getToken(), function() use ($accessToken, $client) {
                /** @var FacebookUser $facebookUser */
                $facebookUser = $client->fetchUserFromToken($accessToken);

                $email = $facebookUser->getEmail();

                // 1) have they logged in with Facebook before? Easy!
                $existingUser = $this->entityManager->getRepository(User::class)->findOneBy(['facebookId' => $facebookUser->getId()]);

                if ($existingUser) {
                    return $existingUser;

                // 2) do we have a matching user by email?
                $user = $this->entityManager->getRepository(User::class)->findOneBy(['email' => $email]);

                // 3) Maybe you just want to "register" them by creating
                // a User object

                return $user;

    public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token, string $firewallName): ?Response
        // change "app_homepage" to some route in your app
        $targetUrl = $this->router->generate('app_homepage');

        return new RedirectResponse($targetUrl);
        // or, on success, let the request continue to be handled by the controller
        //return null;

    public function onAuthenticationFailure(Request $request, AuthenticationException $exception): ?Response
        $message = strtr($exception->getMessageKey(), $exception->getMessageData());

        return new Response($message, Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN);
     * Called when authentication is needed, but it's not sent.
     * This redirects to the 'login'.
    public function start(Request $request, AuthenticationException $authException = null): Response
        return new RedirectResponse(
            '/connect/', // might be the site, where users choose their oauth provider

Step 2) Configuring the Security

Next, enable the new authenticator manager and then register your authenticator in security.yaml under the custom_authenticators section:

# app/config/packages/security.yaml
    # ...
+   enable_authenticator_manager: true
        # ...
        # ...
+           custom_authenticators:
+               - App\Security\MyFacebookAuthenticator

CAUTION You can also inject the individual client (e.g. FacebookClient) into your authenticator instead of the ClientRegistry. However, this may cause circular reference issues and degrades performance (because authenticators are instantiated on every request, even though you rarely need the FacebookClient to be created). The ClientRegistry lazily creates the client objects.

Authenticating with Guard

Create a Guard Authenticator. A SocialAuthenticator base class exists to help with a few things:

namespace App\Security;

use App\Entity\User; // your user entity
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Security\Authenticator\SocialAuthenticator;
use KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\FacebookClient;
use KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\ClientRegistry;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\TokenInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AuthenticationException;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserProviderInterface;

class MyFacebookAuthenticator extends SocialAuthenticator
    private $clientRegistry;
    private $em;
    private $router;

    public function __construct(ClientRegistry $clientRegistry, EntityManagerInterface $em, RouterInterface $router)
        $this->clientRegistry = $clientRegistry;
        $this->em = $em;
        $this->router = $router;

    public function supports(Request $request)
        // continue ONLY if the current ROUTE matches the check ROUTE
        return $request->attributes->get('_route') === 'connect_facebook_check';

    public function getCredentials(Request $request)
        // this method is only called if supports() returns true

        // For Symfony lower than 3.4 the supports method need to be called manually here:
        // if (!$this->supports($request)) {
        //     return null;
        // }

        return $this->fetchAccessToken($this->getFacebookClient());

    public function getUser($credentials, UserProviderInterface $userProvider)
        /** @var FacebookUser $facebookUser */
        $facebookUser = $this->getFacebookClient()

        $email = $facebookUser->getEmail();

        // 1) have they logged in with Facebook before? Easy!
        $existingUser = $this->em->getRepository(User::class)
            ->findOneBy(['facebookId' => $facebookUser->getId()]);
        if ($existingUser) {
            return $existingUser;

        // 2) do we have a matching user by email?
        $user = $this->em->getRepository(User::class)
            ->findOneBy(['email' => $email]);

        // 3) Maybe you just want to "register" them by creating
        // a User object

        return $user;

     * @return FacebookClient
    private function getFacebookClient()
        return $this->clientRegistry
            // "facebook_main" is the key used in config/packages/knpu_oauth2_client.yaml

    public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token, $providerKey)
        // change "app_homepage" to some route in your app
        $targetUrl = $this->router->generate('app_homepage');

        return new RedirectResponse($targetUrl);
        // or, on success, let the request continue to be handled by the controller
        //return null;

    public function onAuthenticationFailure(Request $request, AuthenticationException $exception)
        $message = strtr($exception->getMessageKey(), $exception->getMessageData());

        return new Response($message, Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN);

     * Called when authentication is needed, but it's not sent.
     * This redirects to the 'login'.
    public function start(Request $request, AuthenticationException $authException = null)
        return new RedirectResponse(
            '/connect/', // might be the site, where users choose their oauth provider

    // ...

Next, register your authenticator in security.yaml under the guard section:

# app/config/packages/security.yaml
    # ...
        # ...
        # ...
+            guard:
+                authenticators:
+                    - App\Security\MyFacebookAuthenticator

For more details: see

Authenticating any OAuth User

If you don't need to fetch/persist any information about the user, you can use the OAuthUserProvider service to quickly authenticate them in your application (if you're using Doctrine, use the normal entity user provider).

First, define the user provider in your security.yaml file:

            id: knpu.oauth2.user_provider

Then in your Guard authenticator, use the user provider to easily fetch the user:

public function getUser($credentials, UserProviderInterface $userProvider)
    return $userProvider->loadUserByUsername($this->getClient()->fetchUserFromToken($credentials)->getId());

The logged-in user will be an instance of KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Security\User\OAuthUser and will have the roles ROLE_USER and ROLE_OAUTH_USER.

Storing and Refreshing Tokens

You have a couple of options to store access tokens for use at a later time:

  1. Store the AccessToken object (e.g. serializing into the session), this allows you to check expiry before refreshing:

    // Fetch and store the AccessToken
    $accessToken = $client->getAccessToken();
    $session->set('access_token', $accessToken);
    // Load the access token from the session, and refresh if required
    $accessToken = $session->get('access_token');
    if ($accessToken->hasExpired()) {
        $accessToken = $client->refreshAccessToken($accessToken->getRefreshToken());
        // Update the stored access token for next time
        $session->set('access_token', $accessToken);
  2. Store the refresh token string (e.g. in the database user.refresh_token), this means you must always refresh. You can also store the access token and expiration and then avoid the refresh until the access token is actually expired:

    // Fetch the AccessToken and store the refresh token
    $accessToken = $client->getAccessToken();
    // Get a new AccessToken from the refresh token, and store the new refresh token for next time
    $accessToken = $client->refreshAccessToken($user->getRefreshToken());

Depending on your OAuth2 provider, you may need to pass some parameters when initially creating and/or refreshing the token:

// Some providers may require special parameters when creating the token in order to allow refreshing
$accessToken = $client->getAccessToken(['scopes' => 'offline_access']);

// They may also require special parameters when refreshing the token
$accessToken = $client->refreshAccessToken($accessToken->getRefreshtoken(), ['scopes' => 'offline_access']);


Below is the configuration for all of the supported OAuth2 providers. Don't see the one you need? Use the generic provider to configure any provider:

# config/packages/knpu_oauth2_client.yaml
    # can be set to the service id of a service that implements Guzzle\ClientInterface
    # http_client: null

    # options to configure the default http client
    # http_client_options:
    #     timeout: 0
    #     # if you want to disable the proxy (e.g. local GitLab OAuth) - set it to "false"
    #     proxy: null
    #     Use only with proxy option set
    #     verify: false

        # will create service: ""
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\AmazonClient
        # composer require luchianenco/oauth2-amazon
            # must be "amazon" - it activates that type!
            type: amazon
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_AMAZON_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_AMAZON_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_amazon_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.appid"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\AppIdClient
        # composer require jampire/oauth2-appid
            # must be "appid" - it activates that type!
            type: appid
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_APPID_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_APPID_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_appid_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # IBM App ID base URL. For example, "". More details at
            base_auth_uri: '%env(OAUTH_APPID_BASE_AUTH_URI)%'
            # IBM App ID service tenant ID. For example, "1234-5678-abcd-efgh". More details at
            tenant_id: '%env(OAUTH_APPID_TENANT_ID)%'
            # Identity Provider code. Defaults to "saml". More details at
            # idp: '%env(OAUTH_APPID_IDP)%'
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: ""
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\AppleClient
        # composer require patrickbussmann/oauth2-apple
            # must be "apple" - it activates that type!
            type: apple
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_APPLE_CLIENT_ID)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_apple_check
            redirect_params: {}
            team_id: null
            key_file_id: null
            key_file_path: null
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.auth0"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\Auth0Client
        # composer require riskio/oauth2-auth0
            # must be "auth0" - it activates that type!
            type: auth0
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_auth0_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # Your custom/definite Auth0 domain, e.g. "". Set this if you use Auth0's Custom Domain feature. The "account" and "region" parameters will be ignored in this case.
            # custom_domain: null
            # Your Auth0 domain/account, e.g. "mycompany" if your domain is ""
            # account: null
            # Your Auth0 region, e.g. "eu" if your tenant is in the EU.
            # region: null
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: ""
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\AzureClient
        # composer require thenetworg/oauth2-azure
            # must be "azure" - it activates that type!
            type: azure
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_AZURE_CLIENT_ID)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_azure_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # The shared client secret if you don't use a certificate
            # client_secret: ''
            # The contents of the client certificate private key
            # client_certificate_private_key: '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEog...G82ARGuI=\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----'
            # The hexadecimal thumbprint of the client certificate
            # client_certificate_thumbprint: 'B4A94A83092455AC4D3AC827F02B61646EAAC43D'
            # Domain to build login URL
            # url_login: ''
            # Oauth path to authorize against
            # path_authorize: '/oauth2/authorize'
            # Oauth path to retrieve a token
            # path_token: '/oauth2/token'
            # Oauth scope send with the request
            # scope: {}
            # The tenant to use, default is `common`
            # tenant: 'common'
            # Domain to build request URL
            # url_api: ''
            # Oauth resource field
            # resource: null
            # The API version to run against
            # api_version: '1.6'
            # Send resource field with auth-request
            # auth_with_resource: true
            # The endpoint version to run against
            # default_end_point_version: '1.0'
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.bitbucket"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\BitbucketClient
        # composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-bitbucket
            # must be "bitbucket" - it activates that type!
            type: bitbucket
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_BITBUCKET_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_BITBUCKET_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_bitbucket_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: ""
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\BoxClient
        # composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-box
            # must be "box" - it activates that type!
            type: box
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_BOX_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_BOX_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_box_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.buddy"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\BuddyClient
        # composer require buddy-works/oauth2-client
            # must be "buddy" - it activates that type!
            type: buddy
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_BUDDY_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_BUDDY_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_buddy_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # Base API URL, modify this for self-hosted instances
            # base_api_url:
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.buffer"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\BufferClient
        # composer require tgallice/oauth2-buffer
            # must be "buffer" - it activates that type!
            type: buffer
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_BUFFER_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_BUFFER_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_buffer_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.canvas_lms"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\CanvasLMSClient
        # composer require smtech/oauth2-canvaslms
            # must be "canvas_lms" - it activates that type!
            type: canvas_lms
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_CANVAS_LMS_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_CANVAS_LMS_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_canvas_lms_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # URL of Canvas Instance (e.g.
            canvas_instance_url: null
            # This can be used to help the user identify which instance of an application this token is for. For example, a mobile device application could provide the name of the device.
            # purpose: ''
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.clever"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\CleverClient
        # composer require schoolrunner/oauth2-clever
            # must be "clever" - it activates that type!
            type: clever
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_CLEVER_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_CLEVER_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_clever_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.devian_art"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\DevianArtClient
        # composer require seinopsys/oauth2-deviantart
            # must be "devian_art" - it activates that type!
            type: devian_art
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_DEVIAN_ART_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_DEVIAN_ART_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_devian_art_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.digital_ocean"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\DigitalOceanClient
        # composer require chrishemmings/oauth2-digitalocean
            # must be "digital_ocean" - it activates that type!
            type: digital_ocean
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_DIGITAL_OCEAN_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_DIGITAL_OCEAN_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_digital_ocean_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.discord"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\DiscordClient
        # composer require wohali/oauth2-discord-new
            # must be "discord" - it activates that type!
            type: discord
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_DISCORD_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_discord_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.disqus"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\DisqusClient
        # composer require antalaron/oauth2-disqus
            # must be "disqus" - it activates that type!
            type: disqus
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_DISQUS_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_DISQUS_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_disqus_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.dribbble"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\DribbbleClient
        # composer require crewlabs/oauth2-dribbble
            # must be "dribbble" - it activates that type!
            type: dribbble
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_DRIBBBLE_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_DRIBBBLE_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_dribbble_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.dropbox"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\DropboxClient
        # composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-dropbox
            # must be "dropbox" - it activates that type!
            type: dropbox
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_DROPBOX_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_DROPBOX_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_dropbox_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.drupal"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\DrupalClient
        # composer require chrishemmings/oauth2-drupal
            # must be "drupal" - it activates that type!
            type: drupal
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_DRUPAL_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_DRUPAL_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_drupal_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # Drupal oAuth2 server URL
            base_url: '%env(OAUTH_DRUPAL_BASE_URL)%'
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.elance"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\ElanceClient
        # composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-elance
            # must be "elance" - it activates that type!
            type: elance
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_ELANCE_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_ELANCE_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_elance_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.eve_online"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\EveOnlineClient
        # composer require evelabs/oauth2-eveonline
            # must be "eve_online" - it activates that type!
            type: eve_online
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_EVE_ONLINE_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_EVE_ONLINE_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_eve_online_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.eventbrite"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\EventbriteClient
        # composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-eventbrite
            # must be "eventbrite" - it activates that type!
            type: eventbrite
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_EVENTBRITE_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_EVENTBRITE_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_eventbrite_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.facebook"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\FacebookClient
        # composer require league/oauth2-facebook
            # must be "facebook" - it activates that type!
            type: facebook
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_facebook_check
            redirect_params: {}
            graph_api_version: v2.12
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.fitbit"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\FitbitClient
        # composer require djchen/oauth2-fitbit
            # must be "fitbit" - it activates that type!
            type: fitbit
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_FITBIT_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_FITBIT_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_fitbit_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.four_square"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\FoursquareClient
        # composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-foursquare
            # must be "four_square" - it activates that type!
            type: four_square
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_FOUR_SQUARE_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_FOUR_SQUARE_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_four_square_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.fusion_auth"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\FusionAuthClient
        # composer require jerryhopper/oauth2-fusionauth
            # must be "fusion_auth" - it activates that type!
            type: fusion_auth
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_FUSION_AUTH_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_FUSION_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_fusion_auth_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # FusionAuth Server URL, no trailing slash
            auth_server_url: null
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.geocaching"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\GeocachingClient
        # composer require surfoo/oauth2-geocaching
            # must be "geocaching" - it activates that type!
            type: geocaching
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_GEOCACHING_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_GEOCACHING_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_geocaching_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # dev, staging or production
            environment: production
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.github"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\GithubClient
        # composer require league/oauth2-github
            # must be "github" - it activates that type!
            type: github
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_github_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.gitlab"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\GitlabClient
        # composer require omines/oauth2-gitlab
            # must be "gitlab" - it activates that type!
            type: gitlab
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_GITLAB_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_gitlab_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # Base installation URL, modify this for self-hosted instances
            # domain:
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: ""
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\GoogleClient
        # composer require league/oauth2-google
            # must be "google" - it activates that type!
            type: google
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_google_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # Optional value for sending access_type parameter. More detail:
            # access_type: null
            # Optional value for sending hd parameter. More detail:
            # hosted_domain: null
            # Optional value for additional fields to be requested from the user profile. If set, these values will be included with the defaults. More details:
            # user_fields: {}
            # Optional value if you don't want or need to enable Google+ API access.
            # use_oidc_mode: false
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.headhunter"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\HeadHunterClient
        # composer require alexmasterov/oauth2-headhunter
            # must be "headhunter" - it activates that type!
            type: headhunter
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_HEADHUNTER_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_HEADHUNTER_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_headhunter_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.heroku"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\HerokuClient
        # composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-heroku
            # must be "heroku" - it activates that type!
            type: heroku
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_HEROKU_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_HEROKU_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_heroku_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.instagram"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\InstagramClient
        # composer require league/oauth2-instagram
            # must be "instagram" - it activates that type!
            type: instagram
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_instagram_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.jira"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\JiraClient
        # composer require mrjoops/oauth2-jira
            # must be "jira" - it activates that type!
            type: jira
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_JIRA_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_JIRA_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_jira_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.keycloak"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\KeycloakClient
        # composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-keycloak
            # must be "keycloak" - it activates that type!
            type: keycloak
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_keycloak_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # Keycloak server URL
            auth_server_url: null
            # Keycloak realm
            realm: null
            # Optional: Encryption algorith, i.e. RS256
            # encryption_algorithm: null
            # Optional: Encryption key path, i.e. ../key.pem
            # encryption_key_path: null
            # Optional: Encryption key, i.e. contents of key or certificate
            # encryption_key: null
            # Optional: The keycloak version to run against
            # version: '20.0.1'
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.linkedin"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\LinkedInClient
        # composer require league/oauth2-linkedin
            # must be "linkedin" - it activates that type!
            type: linkedin
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_LINKEDIN_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_LINKEDIN_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_linkedin_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # Optional value to specify Linkedin's API version to use. As the time of writing, v1 is still used by default by league/oauth2-linkedin.
            # api_version: null
            # Optional value to specify fields to be requested from the profile. Since Linkedin's API upgrade from v1 to v2, fields and authorizations policy have been enforced. See for more details.
            # fields: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.mail_ru"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\MailRuClient
        # composer require aego/oauth2-mailru
            # must be "mail_ru" - it activates that type!
            type: mail_ru
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_MAIL_RU_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_MAIL_RU_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_mail_ru_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: ""
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\MicrosoftClient
        # composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-microsoft
            # must be "microsoft" - it activates that type!
            type: microsoft
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_MICROSOFT_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_MICROSOFT_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_microsoft_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # Optional value for URL Authorize
            # url_authorize: null
            # Optional value for URL Access Token
            # url_access_token: null
            # Optional value for URL Resource Owner Details
            # url_resource_owner_details: null
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.mollie"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\MollieClient
        # composer require mollie/oauth2-mollie-php
            # must be "mollie" - it activates that type!
            type: mollie
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_MOLLIE_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_MOLLIE_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_mollie_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.odnoklassniki"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\OdnoklassnikiClient
        # composer require aego/oauth2-odnoklassniki
            # must be "odnoklassniki" - it activates that type!
            type: odnoklassniki
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_ODNOKLASSNIKI_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_ODNOKLASSNIKI_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_odnoklassniki_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.okta"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\OktaClient
        # composer require foxworth42/oauth2-okta
            # must be "okta" - it activates that type!
            type: okta
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_OKTA_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_OKTA_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_okta_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # Issuer URI from Okta
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.paypal"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\PaypalClient
        # composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-paypal
            # must be "paypal" - it activates that type!
            type: paypal
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_paypal_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # When true, client uses Paypal Sandbox URLs.
            # is_sandbox: false
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.psn"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\PsnClient
        # composer require larabros/oauth2-psn
            # must be "psn" - it activates that type!
            type: psn
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_PSN_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_PSN_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_psn_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.salesforce"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\SalesforceClient
        # composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-salesforce
            # must be "salesforce" - it activates that type!
            type: salesforce
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_SALESFORCE_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_SALESFORCE_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_salesforce_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # Custom Salesforce domain. Default domain is
            # domain: ''
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.slack"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\SlackClient
        # composer require adam-paterson/oauth2-slack
            # must be "slack" - it activates that type!
            type: slack
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_SLACK_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_slack_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.spotify"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\SpotifyClient
        # composer require kerox/oauth2-spotify
            # must be "spotify" - it activates that type!
            type: spotify
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_spotify_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.symfony_connect"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\SymfonyConnectClient
        # composer require qdequippe/oauth2-symfony-connect
            # must be "symfony_connect" - it activates that type!
            type: symfony_connect
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_SYMFONY_CONNECT_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_SYMFONY_CONNECT_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_symfony_connect_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.strava"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\StravaClient
        # composer require edwin-luijten/oauth2-strava
            # must be "strava" - it activates that type!
            type: strava
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_STRAVA_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_strava_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.stripe"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\StripeClient
        # composer require adam-paterson/oauth2-stripe
            # must be "stripe" - it activates that type!
            type: stripe
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_STRIPE_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_STRIPE_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_stripe_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.twitch"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\TwitchClient
        # composer require depotwarehouse/oauth2-twitch
            # must be "twitch" - it activates that type!
            type: twitch
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_TWITCH_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_twitch_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.twitch_helix"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\TwitchHelixClient
        # composer require vertisan/oauth2-twitch-helix
            # must be "twitch_helix" - it activates that type!
            type: twitch_helix
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_TWITCH_HELIX_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_TWITCH_HELIX_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_twitch_helix_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.uber"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\UberClient
        # composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-uber
            # must be "uber" - it activates that type!
            type: uber
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_UBER_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_UBER_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_uber_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.unsplash"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\UnsplashClient
        # composer require hughbertd/oauth2-unsplash
            # must be "unsplash" - it activates that type!
            type: unsplash
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_UNSPLASH_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_UNSPLASH_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_unsplash_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.vimeo"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\VimeoClient
        # composer require saf33r/oauth2-vimeo
            # must be "vimeo" - it activates that type!
            type: vimeo
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_VIMEO_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_VIMEO_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_vimeo_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.vkontakte"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\VKontakteClient
        # composer require j4k/oauth2-vkontakte
            # must be "vkontakte" - it activates that type!
            type: vkontakte
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_VKONTAKTE_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_VKONTAKTE_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_vkontakte_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.wave"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\WaveClient
        # composer require qdequippe/oauth2-wave
            # must be "wave" - it activates that type!
            type: wave
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_WAVE_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_WAVE_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_wave_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.webflow"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\WebflowClient
        # composer require koalati/oauth2-webflow
            # must be "webflow" - it activates that type!
            type: webflow
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_WEBFLOW_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_WEBFLOW_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_webflow_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: ""
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\YahooClient
        # composer require hayageek/oauth2-yahoo
            # must be "yahoo" - it activates that type!
            type: yahoo
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_YAHOO_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_YAHOO_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_yahoo_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: ""
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\YandexClient
        # composer require aego/oauth2-yandex
            # must be "yandex" - it activates that type!
            type: yandex
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_YANDEX_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_YANDEX_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_yandex_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.zendesk"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\ZendeskClient
        # composer require stevenmaguire/oauth2-zendesk
            # must be "zendesk" - it activates that type!
            type: zendesk
            # add and set these environment variables in your .env files
            client_id: '%env(OAUTH_ZENDESK_CLIENT_ID)%'
            client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_ZENDESK_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
            # a route name you'll create
            redirect_route: connect_zendesk_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # Your Zendesk subdomain
            subdomain: null
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

Configuring a Generic Provider

Is the OAuth server you want to connect with not here? No worries! You can configure a custom "provider" using the generic type.

1) Find / Create your Provider Library

First, see if your OAuth server already has a "provider library" that you can use: See Provider Client Libraries.

If you found one there, awesome! Install it. If not, you'll need to create your own Provider class. See the Provider Guide about this.

Either way, after this step, you should have a provider "class" (e.g. a class that extends AbstractProvider) that's ready to use!

2) Configuration

Now, just configure your provider like any other provider, but using the generic type:

# config/packages/knpu_oauth2_client.yaml
        # will create service: "knpu.oauth2.client.foo_bar_oauth"
        # an instance of: KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\OAuth2Client
            type: generic
            provider_class: Some\Class\FooBarProvider

            # optional: a class that extends OAuth2Client
            # client_class: Some\Custom\Client

            # optional: if your provider has custom constructor options
            # provider_options: {}

            # now, all the normal options!
            client_id: '%env(foo_bar_client_id)%'
            client_secret: '%env(foo_bar_client_secret)%'
            redirect_route: connect_facebook_check
            redirect_params: {}
            # whether to check OAuth2 "state": defaults to true
            # use_state: true

That's it! Now you'll have a knpu.oauth2.client.foo_bar_oauth service you can use.

Extending / Decorating Client Classes

Maybe you need some extra services inside your client class? No problem! You can decorate existing client class with your own implementation. All you need is a new class that implements OAuth2ClientInterface:

namespace App\Client;

use KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\OAuth2ClientInterface;
use KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\Provider\AzureClient;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\AdapterInterface;

class CacheableAzureClient implements OAuth2ClientInterface
    private $client;
    private $cache;

    public function __construct(AzureClient $client, AdapterInterface $cache)
        // ...

    // override all public functions and call the method on the internal $this->client object
    // but add caching wherever you need it

And configure it:

# config/services.yaml


Of course, open source is fueled by everyone's ability to give just a little bit of their time for the greater good. If you'd like to see a feature, you can request it - but creating a pull request is an even better way to get things done.

Either way, please feel comfortable submitting issues or pull requests: all contributions and questions are warmly appreciated :).


Easily talk to an OAuth2 server for social functionality in Symfony







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