chore: prepare for release (8eadbd6 )
chore: fix package json (dd3c8e9 )
chore: remove bin from husky scripts (d575d00 )
chore: prepare for release (6569c04 )
chore: update deps (36fa4f7 )
feat: initial commit (#5 ) (848e275 )
Merge pull request #14 from necordjs/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/nestjs/core-10.4.3 (09a7ec2 )
Bump @nestjs/core from 10.4.2 to 10.4.3 (6b1d023 )
Bump @nestjs/testing from 10.4.2 to 10.4.3 (#13 ) (cf7f4e9 )
Bump eslint from 8.57.0 to 8.57.1 (#12 ) (4fa8464 )
Bump @nestjs/common from 10.4.2 to 10.4.3 (#11 ) (5b21e6b )
Bump @nestjs/common from 10.4.1 to 10.4.2 (#8 ) (7804dbf )
Bump @nestjs/testing from 10.4.1 to 10.4.2 (#9 ) (2a4eb8f )
Bump @types/node from 22.5.4 to 22.5.5 (#10 ) (937d57b )
Bump @nestjs/core from 10.4.1 to 10.4.2 (#7 ) (10c0380 )
Bump @types/jest from 29.5.12 to 29.5.13 (#6 ) (ffb5844 )
Bump husky from 9.1.5 to 9.1.6 (#4 ) (03a1480 )
Bump @commitlint/config-angular from 19.4.1 to 19.5.0 (#3 ) (0966c64 )
Bump @commitlint/cli from 19.4.1 to 19.5.0 (#2 ) (9fe84bc )
Bump typescript from 5.5.4 to 5.6.2 (#1 ) (31fed3a )
Initial commit (fb1516e )
You can’t perform that action at this time.