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this library is still a work in progress

The sibling repository contains various examples of how spiraljs can be used.

Find the TypeDoc here. live examples

Gallery (static images)




with color_map


with radius_map






Documentation for users

Installation of the library through npm in the normal way:

npm install spiraljs

See also:

Documentation for developers

(this section describes the complete repository on GitHub, only part of which is included in the package on

Setting up, building and running

Get a local copy of the spiraljs repository using git:

# use package manager to install git
sudo apt-get install git

# make a local copy of this repository
git clone

# change into spiraljs directory
cd spiraljs

Download dependencies:

# Assuming you already have ``npm`` installed on your system, install with:
npm install

We use npm for the various build tasks (see scripts in packages.json for the complete list and their definitions). Here's a summary of the most relevant tasks (see also below for the dependency graph):

# make a distributable js file, spiral.js
npm run dist

# run the unit tests against the distributable
npm run test

# do all types of linting:
# tslint on the TypeScript from src/
# csslint on the CSS from src/
# jslint and jshint on the JS from test/
npm run lint

# clean up generated files
npm run clean

# do an npm run clean and additionally throw away any downloaded files
npm run purge

# generate the TypeDoc, inspect afterwards in a browser (output will be at <projectroot>/docs/sites/tsdoc)
npm run tsdoc

# generate code coverage in various formats. output will be at <projectroot>/docs/sites/coverage/, e.g.
# <projectroot>/docs/sites/coverage/remapped/ts/spiraljs/index.html
npm run cover

How it all fits together


So you wrote some source code. A distributable can be created from the source code. Distributables are great, because that's what people can use in their own websites later. However, distributables are only good if they work --you don't want to break other people's websites, now do you? So, the distributable needs to be tested using unit tests. For this you typically need to do two things: first, you need to be able to do assertions. Assertions help you test different kinds of equality (''is the test result what it is supposed to be?''). Secondly, you need a test runner, i.e. something that runs the tests (and then, typically, reports on their results). Now that you have tests, you also want to generate code coverage reports. Code coverage helps to make transparent which parts of the code are covered by tests.

In our case

  • Our source code lives at src. The meat of it is written in TypeScript 2.
  • We create the distributable using npm run scripting, so there are no Gulp or Grunt files.
  • We use unit tests written in the style of Jasmine (i.e. describe() and it()).
  • Our assertion library is also Jasmine (e.g. expect(actual).toEqual(expected)).
  • Karma is our test runner.
  • We generate code coverage in different formats using karma-coverage. However, this gives us code coverage of the (generated) JavaScript, which is not really what we're interested in. So we have remap-istanbul figure out which parts of the generated JavaScript correspond with which parts of the (written) TypeScript.

Here is a visual representation of our build process:


and here is a callgraph generated from package.json using
