glFast is a public domain header-only C library that uses only 40 modern DSA AZDO OpenGL functions to draw geometry and post-process textures.
The contract:
- SDL2, desktop OpenGL, Linux and Windows only. Doesn't support OS X, OpenGL ES or WebGL.
- GPU memory is immutable. Once allocated you can't resize it, but you still can change its content.
- No multithreaded or asynchronous CPU<->GPU interactions. No barriers and sync points except for glFinish call.
- CPU sends data to GPU. GPU can't send data back to CPU, with an exception of reading textures from GPU to CPU.
- Not all modern OpenGL extensions are used, only those which are supported on low-end hardware and Mesa 11.3.
7 data types:
gpu_storage_t Storage
gpu_texture_t Texture
gpu_sampler_t Sampler
u32 Framebuffer
u32 Program
u32 ProgramPipeline
gpu_cmd_t DrawCommand
5 state changes:
glEnable(), glDisable()
That's it. Check out the examples to see how to use the library.
Special thanks to Nicolas @nlguillemot and Andreas @ands for answering my OpenGL questions!