This example codebase shows a method of using Terraform / OpenTofu with VMware Cloud Director. Goal is, to devide the setup as much as possible for use with multiple teams as well as keeping the blast radius down to a minimum. This codebase doesn't use any modules, instead uses plain resources from the Terraform vCD provider. This also set an extremely low barrier to entry for newcomers to Terraform as well as this codebase.
The firewall part of the code depends on infrastructure as well as any departments. The department parts of the code depend on infrastructure.
This means, to setup a complete infrastructure using this code one has to run terraform/tofu in the follwing order:
- ./infrastructure/
- ./department_1/*
- ./firewall/
It is strongly suggested to configure a remote backend for the terraform state. The following are two examples.
Storing the state in GitLab uses Terraform's http backend The GitLab terraform state feature is usually enabled by default.
terraform {
backend "http" {
address = "<GITLAB_PROJECT_ID>/terraform/state/<CUSTOM_STATE_NAME>"
lock_address = "<GITLAB_PROJECT_ID>/terraform/state/<CUSTOM_STATE_NAME>/lock"
unlock_address = "<GITLAB_PROJECT_ID>/terraform/state/<CUSTOM_STATE_NAME>/lock"
lock_method = "POST"
unlock_method = "DELETE"
Storing the state in an S3 bucket uses Terraforms S3 backend
Suggestion: Use s3cmd to create your S3 buckets.
Edit ~/.s3cfg
access_key = <access_key>
secret_key = <secret_key>
host_base =
use_https = True
host_bucket = %(bucket).
s3cmd -c ~/.s3cfg mb "<BUCKET_NAME>"
terraform {
backend "s3" {
bucket = "<BUCKET_NAME>"
endpoints = {
s3 = ""
key = "<CUSTOM_STATE_NAME>.tfstate"
region = "us-east-3" # Region validation will be skipped, mandatory parameter
skip_credentials_validation = true
skip_requesting_account_id = true
skip_metadata_api_check = true
skip_region_validation = true
use_path_style = true
This also needs to have AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY exported on the console.
! export VCD_API_TOKEN="<Cloud Director API Token>"
!$env:VCD_API_TOKEN = '<Cloud Director API Token>'
tofu init
This will initialise remote state, download modules and providers.
Modify the Terraform code and apply the changes:
tofu plan -out tfplan
tofu apply tfplan
This will apply all needed changes to the infrastructure.