The docker image for the event detection module of the SC7 pilot of the BigDataEurope Project
Install the docker platform.
Get the sc7 event detection module image directly from the docker hub by running
$ docker pull bde2020/event-detection
Alternatively, you can clone this repository, navigate to its directory and running
$ docker build -t event-detection .
to build and specify a name and tag for the image you can use the -t imagename:imagetag
Everything should work with the default build arguments. If however there is some conflict with the preset values and your application, you can modify them by editing the Dockerfile or using
docker build -t event-detection --build-arg argument_name=argument_value .
Note that modifying a build argument requires rebuilding the docker image.
To run a named container and land on an interactive shell, execute
docker run --name="event-detection-container" -it event-detection bash
If you nare having problems with port forwarding from within the container, consider using the --net=host
See the Docker Docs for further information.
The container includes scripts to communicate with an init-daemon service which authorizes and records module initialization, execution and completion (see scripts at daemon
folder). The default URI of the service is specified by $INIT_DAEMON_BASE_URI
. If the service is not running, you can override it for testing purposes by providing your own URI, or disabling the init-daemon alltogether with the $ENABLE_INIT_DAEMON
variable. You can also override the daemon directory location in the container in case of conflict, via the relevant build argument. The init-daemon is disabled by default.
The image supports the run modes:
- news : for crawling / fetching news article content
- tweets : for crawling / fetching twitter content
- location : for location detection and geometry extraction per document
- cluster : for event detection and summarization
To run each task, you should use the driver script at /
, to ensure proper initialization.
For example, to run the news crawler, launch the container and run the script as shown below.
$ docker run -it event-detection bash
$ / news
where event-detection
is the image name.
Passing pipeline
or no arguments at all to the driver script, runs all the modules sequentially in the order newscrawler
, twittercrawler
, locationextractor
, clusterer
To run a cronjob, use the cron
argument and provide a crontab at $MOUNT_DIR/bdetab
. Note that to be able to run a module in a cronjob you need to set up the environment in the sh
system shell cron will launch, with all required bde environment variables. To this end, all required variables are stored in /root/envvars
during build so you can source them easily. So for example, to run the twitter crawler daily at noon, one should create and execute a crontab like the one below:
$ docker run -it bde_ed bash
$ cat /mnt/bdetab
0 12 * * * /mnt/
$ cat /mnt/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
. "$HOME/envvars"
export $(cat $HOME/envvars | cut -d= -f1)
/ tweets
$ / cron
To review all available modules and modes, execute / help
In order to automate running containers at pre-set settings, users can provide configuration files for the modules to use, instead of editing each separately every time. All user-supplied files are passed to the container via data volumes, at the directory specified by the $MOUNTDIR
build argument. Supplied configuration files are copied from $MOUNTDIR
to their appropriate folders to be used by the program, i.e. $BDE_ROOT_DIR/BDEEventDetection/<module>/res/<parametersfile>
. For a list of all suppliable configuration files, see the build arguments prefixed by SUPPLIED
at the Dockerfile.
A synopsis follows, where paths are assumed to be relative, from a base directory of $MOUNTDIR
. Note that each property file can (and should) be copied form $BDE_ROOT_DIR/BDEEventDetection/skel/
and edited as desired, following the instructions in each skel property file. You can use the script /
to quickly copy all relevant property and source files to the user - supplying directory.
To connect to the database backend(s) and the twitter api, provide authentication credential files at $CONNECTIONS_CONFIG_FOLDER
. Default value is $MOUNTDIR/connection
, for the cassandra backend.connection/mysql.conf
, for the mysql backend.connection/twitter.conf
, for the twitter api.
For the required format per file, see exec/
and news.urls
files. Running in crawl
mode requires a feed url per line at the second file. In fetch
mode you can provide a list of article urls instead, and they will be individually fetched and stored.
and twitter.queries
and/or twitter.accounts
files. The resource files depend on operation mode, i.e. search
for keyword search using twitter.queries
in the format searchtoken***lang***numResults
per line (e.g. neuralnets***en***100
), monitor
, using twitter.accounts
in the format accountName***true***numResults
per line, and fetch
. The last mode reads a twitter ID per line on the file specified by the twitter_ids_fetch_file
property in the
file, and mines it individually.
files. The latter is mandatory when using a RESTFul extractor (extractor
property in the properties) or applying results filtering. The module also supports entity extraction from RESTful extractors, using a queriable thesaurus. Refer to the instructions in each file for more details.
file. The operation_mode
property controls whether the clustering procedure will be scaled using Apache Spark, or run in parallel at the local machine.
Apart from module-specific properties, common ones include:
: Backend storage type selection, i.e. cassandra or mysql- Backend connection credentials
: boolean tags specifying module behavior (e.g.verbose
To quickly edit installed module parameters, run /
. Use /
to edit crawling resource files (urls, tweet searches, etc) and
to create the authentication parameter files.
Run logs are located in /var/log/bde/
, timestamped and named as per module and run mode (pipeline
, cron
or regular single-module name for isolated, one-time runs). You can use the /
helper script to check them out.
This service launches an api that receives a list of twitter ids via http POST and stores them in a file. The latter can be used to set the twitter crawler to mine these tweets, when run in fetch mode. See the [api repository (] and $BDE_ROOT_DIR/BDEEventDetection/skel_property_files/