Work in Progress ! Most simple but unsecured way to bypass REST API and sync client side variables in MongoDB.
import CloudVariables from "cloud-variables";
// Initialise
var cv = new CloudVariables({
driver: "MONGO",
userId: "dTDdfrFDE$RFDcGTFERRFFde45tfGVC" //Per user we want to store
var todoList = await cv.Array("todo");
// This will actually bind a todoList Collection from MongoDB
// If collection not found on backend, it will throw error.
//var previousItem = await todoList.getById("jiu936"); // This will load item from remote DB to this variable.
console.log('Print Length', todoList.length);
var firstItem = await todoList.push({
task: "Visit Tibbat",
done: false
console.log('this is true', firstItem.task === "Visit Tibbat");
var secItem = await todoList.push({
task: "Write Book",
done: false
}); {
console.log("Listing all the items in the collections", v);
// Modify particular item.
var thirdItem = todoList[2];
await thirdItem.update({
task: "Plant a tree"
// This should merge with exisiting keys.
var globalSettings = await cv.Object("settings");
await globalSettings.update({
lang: "hi",
theme: "dark"
console.log("must be true", globalSettings.lang === 'hi');
console.log("must be true", globalSettings.theme === 'dark');
var myPersonalData = await cv.Object("myPersonalData");
await myPersonalData.update({
email: "[email protected]",
coder: true
- add server side validation will in server code.