Twitter multiaccount publisher - Python This robot automatically publishes tweets to the selected accounts. If it doesn't have tweets to publish, it gets new ones with a Twitter keyword
- Have Python 2.7 installed
- Have a mysql database
For this the following steps must be followed: 0) - Execute in terminal: pip -r requirements.txt
- Add the data to the configuration file
- It is the connection to the database and the name of the table that will have the accounts
- Run the file: (run in terminal: python
- This will create the configuration table that you must fill
- Fill in the table that contains the credentials for the twitter accounts
- After the table has the credentials of the twitter accounts that you want to put online, rerun the file:
- This will create the tables that will contain the tweets
- Run the file: (run in terminal: python
- Set a crontab that runs the file
This table contains the fields:
- twitter apiconsumersecret
- twitter apiaccesstoken
- twitter apiaccesstokensecret
- twitter apicuenta
- not necessarypalabra_clave
- keyword to be used when searching for new tweetsurl_fb
- not necesaryfb_app_id
- not necessaryfb_app_secret
- not necessaryfb_token
- not necessarytabla
- name of the table that we have the tweets of the accountpublicar_cada
- time between tweet and tweet
- table idcontent
- the tweetcreated_date
- created date timestamppublished_date
- published date timestamppublished
- published status