Sensitivity analysis and initial condition perturbation for controlling accumulated precipitation
This repository shares Matlab M files for sensitivity analysis, optimization of initial condition perturbation, and validation for controlling accumulated precipitation in a numerical weather prediction model, SCALE-RM.
The user runs the following M files in sequence.
- initsettings.m : Configures initial settings. In particular, the user needs to specify the directory of the SCALE-RM binary file and the command to run SCALE-RM, which depend on the environment. Settings are saved to dvarsettings.mat.
- perturball.m : Perturbs the initial condition at each grid, runs SCALE-RM, and saves time histories.
- computeStensor.m : Reads all of the perturbed histories and computes the sensitivity tensor. The sensitivity tensor is saved to StensorPREC.mat.
- optiminitRef.m : Reads the sensitivity tensor, solves a minimum norm problem to determine the perturbations in the initial conditions to achieve referece perturbations in the accumulated precipitation, runs SCALE-RM with the perturbed initial conditions, and plots the accumulated precipitation. The optimal perturbations are saved to dvarans.mat. The user needs to specify the reference accumulated precipitation, constraints, and the solver.
- optiminitUub.m : Reads the sensitivity tensor, solves a minimum norm problem to determine the perturbations in the initial conditions to achieve uniform upper bound in the accumulated precipitation, runs SCALE-RM with the perturbed initial conditions, and plots the accumulated precipitation. The optimal perturbations are saved to dvarans.mat. The user needs to specify the reference accumulated precipitation, constraints, and the solver.
- plot2casesRef.m : Plots optimal perturbations determined by
$\ell_2$ and$\ell_1$ norm minimization problems, corresponding accumulated precipitation, and deviation from reference. - plot2casesUub.m : Plots optimal perturbations determined by
$\ell_2$ and$\ell_1$ norm minimization problems, corresponding accumulated precipitation, and upper bound violation.
The following M files define utility functions.
- copycdf.m : Copies a set of netCDF data
- getcdfinfo.m : Gets information of netCDF data
- ncreadinit.m : Reads netCDF init data files and combines them into an array
- ncreadhist.m : Reads netCDF history data files and combines them into an array
- minL1lin_rev.m : Solves a constrained
$\ell_1$ norm minimization problem
The following files are needed to run SCALE-RM.
- run_R20kmDX500m.conf : Configuration file for the warm bubble experiment
-, : Nominal initial conditions for the warm bubble experiment (1 process in
$x$ direction and 2 processes in$y$ direction) -, : Nominal history files for the warm bubble experiment
SCALE-RM is a regional atmospheric model using the SCALE library. For details on SCALE and SCALE-RM, refer to the SCLAE home page or GitHub. The M files in this repository are developed with SCALE Ver. 5.4.5. The users guide of SCALE Ver. 5.4.5 is available here.
The following M files can be used for checking a history of SCALE-RM.
- plothistPREC.m : Plots history of precipitation intensity and accumulated precipitation
- plothistvideo.m : Generates a video of contour plots of a variable
- Matlab 2023a with Optimization Toolbox
- SCALE-RM Ver. 5.4.5 (Warm Bubble Experiment in Section 3.1 of SCALE Users Guide)
git clone --recursive
This repository is developed by Toshiyuki Ohtsuka, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University.
Toshiyuki Ohtsuka, Atsushi Okazaki, Masaki Ogura, and Shunji Kotsuki: Convex Optimization of Initial Perturbations toward Quantitative Weather Control, arXiv:2405.19546 (2024)
This repository was developed as a part of JST Moonshot R&D Program Grant Number JPMJMS2389-1-1.