Say hello to new discussion groups! They can now be configured with as many administrators as you want.
Backup are now faster and even more reliable.
The name of a contact who deletes a message for all discussion participants is now indicated right within the discussion.
csv files can now be shared with Olvid using AirDrop. Yepee!
Typing a new message now automatically puts the discussion on top of the list of recent discussions.
You are now notified when a contact takes a screenshot of sensitive messages (either read-once or with a limited visibility).
Download and upload progresses can now be accessed from the information panel of the associated message.
Opening a discussion under iPad would not always scroll to the latest message. This is fixed.
User notifications now show a small preview of the attachment when possible.
You are notified if a message fails to be sent after retrying for a long period of time.
A new option allows to automatically download all attachments regardless of their size.
Keycloak revocations now work even when push notifications are deactivated.
Fixes a visual bug occurring when sending an audio message under iOS 16.
Fixes a potential crash occurring under iOS 16 when performing a Keycloak search.
Fixes an issue occurring under iOS 16 where the copy/paste would systematically request the user's permission.
Fixes an issue preventing the display of certain "missed call" notifications.
Olvid starts even faster than before.
In order to never miss a secure call, you can now grant access to the microphone during the onboarding procedure.
You can’t perform that action at this time.