In order to run you will need composer.
- Download project.
- Set up Virtual Host
- Set up the Database:
Edit .env file, I am using localhost and vagrant default credentials with the database name Web_dev_test.
DB_CONNECTION=mysql <br>
DB_HOST= <br>
DB_PORT=3306 <br>
DB_DATABASE=web_dev_test <br>
DB_USERNAME=homestead <br>
DB_PASSWORD=secret <br>
Run Migraitons & Seeds in order to get the tables and Action Items from Data file provided in Code Test
php artisan migrate --seed
No users were included in seed method, if migration and seeding was succesfull you have the tables and the action items, you will need to register a new user (no email confirmation needed).
I have included some tests about the authentication.
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.