This webpart shows button based links based on permission. The concept is similar to existing quick links webparts but this is based on permission and is restriced to only button based layout.
git clone the repo
npm i
npm i -g gulp
This package produces the following:
- lib/* - intermediate-stage commonjs build artifacts
- dist/* - the bundled script, along with other resources
- deploy/* - all resources which should be uploaded to a CDN.
After downloading the package run the below command to get the packages.
npm install
Run the below command to build the project.
gulp build
once the package is build run the below command to bundle and package
gulp bundle --ship
gulp package-solution --ship
Deploy the solution to appcatalog and add it on the site. Add it on the page and edit the webpart.Following panel will open.
Click on Manage Links button.Empty panel opens up. Click on New.Form will open up as shown below
Fill in details.
- Title: Title of the link
- Description: Description of link
- Url: Link url
- Target Group: group/users to whom the links is to be shown.If it is empty then the link will be shown to all. User/Group selection is limited to 5 for now but you can go and change in code
- Target: link target
Click Add.Item will be visible in table.Once all items are added then you need to click on Save in the manage link to save the data in webpart properties otherwise data will be lost once you go out of page.
For editing and deleting right click on element and contextual menu will appear.