List of fixed issues and improvements
OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.1.7 version
Implemented. Configure directory for sitemap generation
Fixed. Shopping list name is rendered incorrectly
Fixed. Customer user permissions not working when customer has Id less than parent customer Id
Fixed. A product attribute with option "0" is not recognized when importing a product.
Fixed. Exception on inaccessible brand route
Fixed. Different taxes on Order edit page
Fixed. Category visibility settings are not applied for imported products
Fixed. Missing product name prevents other products from being imported
Fixed. Overly generic error when uploading large file in image field
Added Center Alignment option to the Link Button widget
Fixed. Search indexes of all existing websites (product & brand) unexpectedly dropped after website deletion
Optimized oro:cron:product-collections:index command
Fixed. Sample data image for "About" landing page is not rendered
Made Image Slider widget adaptive for resolutions on the storefront
Fixed. Duplicate files for File attribute\field after imports
Fixed. Shopping list items do not change owner when owner of shopping list is changed
Made tooltip text is readable by screen reader and accessible through keyboard
Fixed. Unclear error log is received after import of the file containing invalid customer relations
Fixed. app.ALERT: Can't get exchange rate for currency "EUR" in prod.log after application install
Implemented. Segment sorting and search improvements in condition builder
Fixed. It is not possible to change the default shopping list in the Shopping List popup
Fixed. Error message is not shown on guest single page checkout on attempt to create an account with email of existing Customer User
Fixed. Unauthorized access to cancel/re-submit "Requests For Quote" of any user
Fixed. Investigation: JS loading optimization on the Storefront
Implemented. Validation for change login settings request
Fixed. Email campaign sending consumer error
Fixed. Back-office product grid loads images via default website URL instead of application URL
Fixed. Create inline link from a text using popup in GrapesJS
Fixed. Invalid count calculation in filters
Enabled adding video in security mode using GrapesJS
Fixed. CLI import went to loop in case of the absent owner for a record
Fixed. Cannot edit attribute family if attributes have the same label
Implemented. Set focused added video widget in GrapesJS
Fixed. Custom string field cannot be updated from Inventory Levels datagrid in non-english localizations
Fixed. Simultaneously edited content variants of content block don't save content
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