List of fixed issues and improvements
Fixed unexpected connections to DB server
Fixed Scroll and clicking doesn't work on "Manage filters" of "Add Context Entity" grid popup
Fixed Configuration fields with enabled option 'Use default' available for edit
Fixed Selectors are being available after saving the settings despite the related checkboxes
Fixed Wrong email settings (login/password) passed to user configuration
Fixed Default Datagrid filter type produces js error
Fixed Submit form of activity might "Nesting level too deep" fatal error in in_array function
Renamed HasElements and NoElements from oro_workflow.expression to oro_workflow.condition
Fixed Broken all select controls in embedded grids
Fixed mistake in error message when email was not delivered
Fixed when user deletes multi-select options, excessive comma is still displayed
Fixed mistake in error message when deleting 1 marketing list record
Fuixd Add some message that clearly informs that user that he needs to specify at least one recipient while creating Email Notification Rule
Fixed incorrect validation for Name field while creating new entity
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