Research inverse market attack and attack mitigation solutions by simulating scenarios on the protocol
To run the project you need:
- Set env variables for Etherscan API and Infura:
- Local Ganache environment installed
Using Poetry for dependencies. Install with pipx
pipx install poetry
Clone the repo, then
poetry install
within the local dir.
Set up Uniswap pool before running scenarios (this is done separately because it's a one time process and is time consuming):
- Open a terminal and run:
ganache-cli --accounts 10 --hardfork istanbul --fork --gasLimit 9007199254740991 --mnemonic brownie --port 8545 --chainId 1 --db ganache-db/uniswap-setup
- Open another terminal and run:
brownie run scripts/
- Close both terminals
To run scenarios:
- Create a copy of
directory) and rename it tooverlay
- Open a terminal and run:
ganache-cli --accounts 10 --gasLimit 9007199254740991 --mnemonic brownie --db ganache-db/overlay
- Open another terminal and run:
brownie run scripts/