This repository contains various utilities related to Earth magnetic field modelling and spherical harmonics.
The repository contains following directories:
- Collection models of the Earth magnetic field - python moduleqdipole
- Quasi-Dipole apex coordinates evaluation - Fortran code compiled as a shared library (dependency of theeoxmagmod
- CDF library source installation (dependency of theeoxmagmod
$ cd libcdf/
$ make build
$ sudo make install
By default, the library gets installed in /usr/local/cdf
To install it to a different path override the INSTALLDIR
$ make install INSTALLDIR=<install directory>
$ cd qdipole/
$ ./configure
$ make build
$ sudo make install
Requires QDIPOLE, CDF libraries + NumPy and SpacePy Python packages
to be installed.
NumPy and SpacePy can be installed using pip
$ cd eoxmagmod/
$ python ./ build
$ sudo python ./ install
The package contains the conda-build
scripts allowing local conda build and
installation following this procedure:
- build the binary dependencies:
conda install conda-build
conda build ./qdipole
conda build ./libcdf
conda build purge
Tested on GNU/Linux. Possibly works on other POSIX systems. Does not work on MS Windows (primarily because of a missing Fortran compiler).
- install the
in your conda environment:
conda activate <target-environment>
conda install numpy scipy matplotlib h5py networkx
conda install --use-local qdipole cdf
pip install spacepy
pip install ./eoxmagmod