Ghost is a lightweight web service made with Vapor.
My dream has been to create web services with Swift that can be built and run on common Linux servers. With this little example service I have reached that goal! The Ghost can be built and run with Ubuntu and is also available on Docker Hub! Feel free to contribute and use it also for your own experiments.
The Ghost can be build and run on both macOS and Ubuntu.
If you use Xcode, running the Ghost is really simple. Just open the project file and hit the play button ;-)
If you use a Shell, navigate to the directory with the project file (Ghost.xcodeproj) and type in the following commands:
$ swift build
$ .build/debug/App
Note: This will only work if you have Swift installed on your machine. Read the wiki page if you need help for installing Swift on Ubuntu!
When the server is running you will reach it on http://localhost:8181/.
If you want to use another port you can change it in the server configuration file under Ghost/Config/servers.json.
The root returns a simple HTML page/hello
returns a hello world string/info
returns a JSON string with infos about the Ghost
A Docker image of the Ghost is available on Docker Hub.
If you want to build a Docker image of the Ghost by yourself you can use the Shell script It will build an image based on Ubuntu with Swift and the Ghost web service on top.